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Comext Standalone v9.1.6 9.1.5 Switch to the latest release

Published on: 19/05/2016 Last update: 16/02/2024

Comext is an advanced system for the storage, analysis and retrieval of statistical data. Developed over years of experience, Comext is also a powerful tool for the dissemination of data. In its different forms, Comext acts as a data repository and as an intermediate layer for access and normalization of data from all sorts of sources, providing users with a consistent interface.


Its easy and intuitive user interface permits users to quickly and efficiently take advantage of all the historical data stored in Comext’s reference database, or as an intelligent bridge to access external data sources such as  Eurotrace or simply as a data distribution tool for data disseminated in CD-ROM or DVD.

The standalone version of Comext is a simplified version that consists of the Comext Server, the Comext Client and the data in a special compressed format. This is the main form of distribution of data whether it is foreign trade, or data coming from any of the sources accessible by Comext.


Some of the main characteristics of the Comext browser are:

  • Multidimensional and Virtual spreadsheet to browse up to 1Gbytes of data.
  • OLAP engine to perform aggregation and user calculations.
  • Wide range of output formats (Text, HTML, XML, SPSS, SAS, RTF, etc.)
  • Multilingual nomenclatures.
  • Successors-predecessors relations for nomenclatures.
  • Trans-codifications of nomenclature codes.
  • Reuse of extractions as new datasets.
  • Storage of queries.
  • Intuitive Query Construction with search and filtering functions.
  • Fast extraction and transformation of data in the required form, including creation of new user variables.
  • Integration with Microsoft® Excel, dumping data with the click of a button.
  • Easily do advanced calculations, such as time projections, time series analysis and reconciliation exercises

Comext is now used worldwide to view, extract and do calculations on EU’s foreign trade data. It is also possible to use this platform for the dissemination of any custom data in conjunction with the Eurotrace system for example.



New version of Comext standalone with support of Drop and Reshape functionnalities &multi-table virtual datasets