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Topic 1 - Introduction to Linked Open Government Data

(foundational modules)

  1. Open Government Data and the PSI Directive (en - fr - de - lt - si)
  2. Introduction to Linked Data (en - fr - de - lt - pl)
  3. Introduction to RDF & SPARQL (en - fr - de)
  4. Introduction to Metadata Management (en - fr - de - pl - si)
  5. Promoting the Re-use of Open Data through ODIP (en - fr - de)

Topic 2 - Publishing Linked Open Government Data & Metadata
(advanced modules)

  1. The Linked Open Government Data Lifecycle (en - fr - de)
  2. Introduction to Open Data Quality (en - fr - de - lt - si)
  3. Design and Manage Persistent URIs (en - fr - de - pl)
  4. Designing and Developing vocabularies in RDF (en - fr - de)
  5. License your Data and Metadata (en - fr - de - si)



Onsite training plan 2013 - 2014

The table below summarises the (tentative) training plan for 2013-2014.


Receiving organisation


16 October 2013

Spanish Government (training material in English)

Madrid, Spain

16 October 2013

Italian Government (training material in Italian)

Bologna, Italy

28 November 2013 Belgian Government (training material in English) Brussels, Belgium
4 December 2013 Belgian Government (training material in French) Brussels, Belgium
11 December 2013 Dutch Government (training material in English) The Hague, The Netherlands
5 February 2014 European Commission (training material in English) Brussels, Belgium
21 February 2014 Latvian Government (training material in Latvian) Riga, Latvia
26 February 2014 Lithuanian Government (training material in Lithuanian) Vilnius, Lithuania
18 March 2014 Greek Government (training material in English) Athens, Greece
28 March 2014 Estonian Governent (training material in English) Tallinn, Estonia
20 May 2014 European Commission (training material in English) Luxembourg, Luxembourg
11 June 2014 Romanian Government (training page in Romanian) Bucharest, Romania
12 June 2014 Polish Government (training material in English and Polish) Warsaw, Poland
9 July 2014 Portuguese Government (training material in English) Lisbon, Portugal
15 September 2014 Austrian Government (training material in German) Wien, Austria
17 September 2014 Maltese Government (training material in English) Valletta, Malta
30 September 2014 German Government (training material in German) Berlin, Germany
16 October 2014 Bulgarian Government (training material in English) Sofia, Bulgaria
21 October 2014 Slovenian Government (training material in English) Ljubiljana, Slovenia
22 October 2014 Slovak Government (training material in English) Bratislava, Slovakia
24 November 2014 Greek Government Athens, Greece
25 November 2014 Cypriot Government Nicosia, Cyprus
3 December 2014 UK Government London, UK
11 December 2014 Finnish Government Helsinki, Finland
19 February 2015 Swedish Government

Latmäteriet, Sweden

5 March 2015 Croatian Government Zagreb, Croatia
10 March 2015 Irish Government

Dublin, Ireland

21 April 2015 Danish Government Kopenhagen, Denmark
13 May 2015 Polish Government Warsaw, Poland
10 June 2015 Spanish Government Madrid, Spain
23 June 2015 Czech Government Prague, Czech Republic

9 September 2015

16 September 2015

22 September 2015

Estonian Government Tallinn, Estonia
18 September 2015 Government of the Walloon Region (Belgium) Namur, Belgium
7 October 2015 European Union Institutions (training material in English) Brussels, Belgium
9 October 2015 Bulgarian Government Sofia, Bulgaria
14 October 2015 European Union Institutions Luxembourg, Luxembourg
6 November 2015 Portuguese Government Lisbon, Portugal


Table of contents