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European Parliament continues to promote open source

European Parliament continues…

Published on: 02/06/2016 News Archived
Points to advantages in education and promoting of gender equality

The European Parliament is continuing to emphasise the importance of free and open source software. In resolutions adopted in March and April, on ‘a thriving data-driven economy’ and on ‘gender equality and empowering women in the digital age’ respectively, the Parliament stresses there is a role for free and open source software.

On 10 March, the EP adopted Resolution P8_TA(2016)0089, ‘Towards a thriving data-driven economy’. The parliamentarians would like to see more initiatives on coding, stressing the ‘multiple advantages of free software in education’.

The resolution also relates free software to research and innovation in ICT. This type of software ‘plays an important role’ in adding value to citizens, society and the economy.

Wealth and knowledge

On 28 April, the EP adopted P8_TA(2016)0204 on ‘Gender equality and empowering women in the digital age’. Here the politicians call ‘for a stronger emphasis on free and open source software in the ICT sector and the digital market’. They consider free and open source software to be a vital tool for promoting gender equality and democratisation.

The resolution also highlights the need for gender awareness in the open source sector.

The free and open source software industry has changed the way software is produced, distributed, supported and used, the EP writes. This has generated and distributed wealth and knowledge, and has made the digital society more inclusive, they argue.


More information:

Resolution ;Towards a thriving data-driven economy’
Resolution ‘Gender equality and empowering women in the digital age’