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Galicia to add 70 libraries to its Koha system

Galicia to add 70 libraries t…

Published on: 15/06/2017 News Archived

The government of Galicia (Spain) is to add 70 more libraries to its newly developed, Koha-based, integrated library management system, called Kohabib. The open source software solution allows libraries to share their catalogues, and provides other library-related services such as managing circulation, acquisition, and printing of labels.

Galicia decided on using Koha in 2014, making it part of its Free Software Plan. In 2016, the system had been implemented in 43 libraries.

The signing of the agreement to add 70 more libraries to the Kohabib project

In May, the government announced the next phase of this project, adding 70 more libraries. In the third phase, the government intends to add all of the nearly 370 libraries in the autonomous region to its Kohabib system.

The Koha project is now part of Galicia’s Digital Agenda 2020 and the Free Software Plan 2017. Between 2016 and 2018, the region will be investing EUR 1.1 million in the project, partly financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Kohabib allows users to search for and request books in all libraries, using the online catalogue. A statement by the government quotes Galicia’s Minister of Culture, Education and University, Roman Rodriguez, saying that the project “is an example of the effort to innovate and technologically improve public libraries in Galicia”.

More information:

Announcement by the government of Galicia (in Galician)
Mancomun news item (in Galician)
OSOR news item


Pau SEGUI Thu, 15/06/2017 - 17:01

Excellent news for libraries and their internationalization.