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Licence change derails development of hospital system

Licence change derails develo…

Published on: 07/08/2015 News Archived

The changing of the licence of openERP, an open source solution for enterprise resource planning, from GPL to AGPL in late 2009, thwarted development of Hospital, a hospital information system (HIS) written for a paediatric clinic in Thessaloniki (Greece). The clinic stopped a pilot of the software, and its developers moved to other open source-based projects.

The HIS was being developed for the 1st Pediatric Clinic of the Ippokrateio General Hospital of Thessaloniki. The software could create growth charts, display genealogy trees and let medical professionals view the medical history.

In the summer of 2010, the clinic had just begun testing the Hospital Information System. The group was about to present the project to the Greek government, hoping to convince them to promote its use in other hospitals and clinics.

However, the openERP licence change disrupted development, according to one of the programmers who at the time worked on the software. Several of the key modules for Hospital HIS stopped being supported, others moved to Tryton, which started as a openERP fork in late 2008.


OpenERP started as an open source project in 2005, with the software published under the GNU General Public License. The project changed the licence to the GNU Affero General Public License in 2009. In May last year, the eponymous firm developing the solution changed its name to Odoo. In February this year, the company announced it would once more change the licence, aiming to republish the code using the GNU Lesser General Public License. The company hopes the new licence will attract freelancers and software publishers.

The code for the now orphaned Hospital project is still available for download. The code can be found in the collection of reusable ICT solutions aggregated on the EC’s Joinup project.


More information:

Hospital (HIS) on Joinup


theodotos (not verified) Sun, 09/08/2015 - 10:19

I don't get it. According to Wikepedia:


Both versions of the AGPL were designed to close a perceived application service provider "loophole" (the "ASP loophole") in the ordinary GPL, where, by using but not distributing the software, the copyleft provisions are not triggered. Each version differs from the version of the GNU GPL on which it is based in having an additional provision addressing use of software over a computer network. The additional provision requires that the complete source code be made available to any network user of the AGPL-licensed work, typically a Web application.


What is the showstopper here? Why abbandon a project because you have to make the source code available to all the users of the webapp?