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Malta to start government software repository

Malta to start government sof…

Published on: 16/02/2015 News Archived

The government of Malta is to implement a repository and observatory of information systems to be used by the islands’ public administrations. The repository will make available open source solutions and share information on reusable tools and systems from across the EU.

The plans are announced by the country's information technology agency, MITA, in its 2015-2017 strategy.

The platform will most likely link to the European Commission’s Open Source Observatory and Repository (OSOR), a spokesperson for MITA says. The actual technical approach for the new initiative, as well as the way to integrate or combine it with the OSOR and its host, Joinup, is still to be decided. “MITA does not yet have time frames for the implementation of this action plan”, the spokesperson says, “but the initial considerations includes sharing open source software on OSOR. This may change as we mature in the definition and articulation of the plan.”

The software repository and observatory is “Action 31” of MITA strategy 2O15 - 2O17. “When implementing ICT services, MITA will challenge the assumptions inherent in the work processes”, MITA writes. ”The Agency will assist government departments to reduce bureaucracy and improve their operations. MITA will enable also the integration of information systems and applications, facilitating the concept of single source of data and data sharing across government. MITA must focus on higher value services. It will develop systems that government departments can share, are user-friendly and easily accessible.”

Goals include cost optimisation and better communication, the report states. “Government e-services need to be accessible to a wider customer base.”

MITA strategy 2O15 - 2O17 Action 31

Implement a repository and observatory of information systems to be used within government. These will include:

  • Current information systems.
  • EU information systems and tools made available to member states.
  • Open source software.



More information:

MITA Strategy 2O15 - 2O17 (pdf)


zaria (not verified) Fri, 20/02/2015 - 09:38

I hope this will really improve their operation.