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New site to promote proven open source ICT tools

New site to promote proven op…

Published on: 08/07/2016 News Archived
Adullact unveils Comptoir du Libre - focussing on public administration decision makers

Adullact, the French organisation for public administrations using free software, has unveiled a new website, Comptoir du, which aims to engage with public administrations’ IT decision-makers.

On 24 June, was unveiled at the Adullact congrès 2016 in Montpellier. “Free software is still too much the domain of geeks”, said Adullact software architect Mathieu Faure, adding that “Comptoir du Libe will focus its communication on IT decision makers.”

On the web site, reference cases will prove that solutions are helping public administrations, and for each application the site will list experienced ICT service providers. Faure is also working on a system to qualify the maturity of software using for, example, the number of contributors and the dates of code updates.


A nifty creenshot from the Comptoir Du Libre

The web site displays information in three ways: as a catalogue of solutions, a list of reference users, or as a table of ICT service providers.

Software freight transporter

The architect also wants to add support for Docker containers. This will make it easy for organisations to install and run the software applications. To this end, Faure is working with Inria, France’s computer science institute, Etalab, the government’s open data organisation and OW2, a foundation promoting open source middleware and business solutions.

“The website works a little bit like a Wiki, we hope others will join us and add solutions and reference cases”, he said.

The Comptoir Du Libre and the European Commission’s Open Source Observatory (OSOR) will study how to share and reuse information and best practices.


More information:

Comptoir du Libre