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Eligibility criteria

The eligibility criteria for Joinup's interoperability solutions have been redefined. The litmus test considers language, licence, relevance, quality, Interface & Location (Services) and Unicity of interoperability solutions submitted for inclusion in the Joinup catalogue. By overhauling the Joinup catalogue qualification process we aim to ensure that we list only relevant and reusable solutions in the Catalogue. In addition to the criteria, you will also find some guidelines below to help you describe the solutions in a way which maximises their potential of re-use.

The criteria

We use the term solution to refer to services, specifications, and software. The Joinup catalogue will only accept solutions that meet these criteria:

The solution MUST at least have the description in English. This ensures the accessibility of the catalogue in a common language.
License or agreement
Standards, specifications and software MUST be published under a licence. In general, this MUST be an open licence, making the solution available free of charge. Some exceptions can be considered for endorsed solutions. Endorsement means that the solution is funded or recognised by the European Commission or a national public administration. It can also be defined as making the use of the interoperability solution mandatory or recommended. Services SHOULD have some type of agreement (terms of use, SLA).
The Joinup catalogue lists solutions that are relevant for public administrations. The solution MUST be, or be planned to be used by at least one public administration. The solution provider SHOULD explain the link between the solution and a public administration. Specifications and standards MUST be endorsed by an EU institution or a Member State. Services SHOULD be basic or shared services that can be used by a public administration to build a European public service.
To ensure the basic quality of the interoperability solutions on the Joinup catalogue, the solutions MUST be described in conformance to the latest official release of ADMS-AP. The description SHALL also follow the compliance guidelines defined below as closely as possible.
Services MUST be provided through digital channels such as web-interface, machine-to-machine or other type of digital (stable) interfaces.
In as far as possible solutions SHOULD be unique. In specific cases for software, duplication can be accepted if it clearly demonstrated that the usage is different. Services are duplicates if they are provided to the same target group, by the same provider, under the same agreement, to the same location, and using the same interface.
Services MUST at least be applicable at European level. They may be provided by National or European administrations.

Compliance guidelines

The description of the solution should be as precise and complete as possible and explain how the proposed solution can be reused by end-users.

Here is a list of aspects that must be explained:

  • General description: overview of your solution (brief description).
  • Needs that the solution addresses: which needs are addressed?
  • Features that the solution implements: what are the main features?
  • Typical intended audience: what is the target audience(s) of your solutions? Who are the end users?
  • How to reuse the solution: how can the intended audience re-use your solutions? Which steps should be followed? How to begin? Is there any other solutions strongly related and that can be used together?
  • Standards used in the solution: what international, national standard or specification are used within your solution?
  • Contribution of the solution to a policy: does your solution contribute to a public policy? Was your solution developed in the context of a public policy? Is your solution endorsed by an EU institution?