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BE - Flemish Open Standard Initiative for Local Authorities

BE - Flemish Open Standard In…

Published on: 20/02/2012 News Archived

On Wednesday, February 15th, the OSLO project “Open Standards Local Authorities“ (Open standaarden lokale overheden) held its kick-off meeting in the Belgian city of Sint-Niklaas.

The project involves a consortium of companies (Belgacom, CCconsult, Cevi, Invenso-Convenso, Fusebox, Microsoft, Schaubroek, Stad Antwerpen en Syx Automations ) that will be working on making an inventory of existing data standards to determine a data and information exchange model for local governments in Flanders. 

The objective is to build the foundations for efficient e-Government applications to be used by local public administrations, citizens, businesses and associations. The resulting information exchange model will provide both a smoother inter-administrative data traffic between governments (e.g. link to base registers) and smoother intra-governmental data traffic within administrations (between applications). The model is also an essential starting point for various Open Data initiatives.

About the Citadel Statement

The project is aligned with the Citadel Statement.  The Citadel Statement is an action plan to support cities and municipalities to implement eGovernment. The Citadel Statement was presented on the 'Flemish Conference on local eGovernment' on December 14th 2010 in Ghent, Belgium. The 'Citadel Statement' got the support of numerous organisations who find this text a strong starting point for a European policy concerning local eGovernment.

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