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Well over two hundred French assembly candidates sign free software pact

Well over two hundred French…

Published on: 31/05/2012 News Archived
A campaign for free software has garnered the support of 267 candidates running for France's National Assembly in next months' elections. Most supporters (149 signatures) are Europe Ecology–The Greens candidates. The Pirate Party comes second, with 54 signatures.

The past few days many more names were added to the list of candidates that have signed the 'Free Software Pact'. The latest signatories include Delphine Heuclin (Left Front), Laurent Grandguillaume (Socialist Party) and Gilles Laschon (Europe Ecology–The Greens).

By signing the 'Free Software Pact', candidates show voters they are aware of the advantages of free and open source software, explains the organiser, April, a French association promoting free software and open standards. It also signals that they are committed to promoting and defending the freedoms associated with this type of software.

April says that using free software has ethical, economic, strategic and societal benefits. It allows for example sharing of economic knowledge and fosters competition. The organisations says it helps to create a service industry and will create jobs. It also increases technological independence and sovereignty and reduces public debt.

April has been organising similar support campaigns around many elections. The first such campaign took place in 2007.

On their campaign site, April continues to call for volunteers to help contact all the candidates for the June elections.

More information:
Free software pact campaign site
Campaign FAQ (in French)
Too Linux news item (in French)
Joinup news item