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The Core Person Vocabulary is a simplified, reusable and extensible data model that captures the fundamental characteristics of a person, e.g. their name, their gender, their date of birth, their address, etc.
European Union
Supra-national authority
Contact information

What is the Core Person Vocabulary?

The Core Person Vocabulary is a simplified, reusable and extensible data model that captures the fundamental characteristics of a person, e.g. their name, their gender, their date of birth, their address, etc.



The SEMIC Core Vocabularies are the starting point for developing interoperable e-Government systems as it allows mappings with existing data models. The guarantees Public Administrations to attain cross-border and cross-sector interoperability.

The Core Person Vocabulary is one of the Core Vocabularies that have been developed by the SEMIC action of the former ISA² Programme, which is now named Interoperable Europe. The specification is developed in an open process with the active involvement of the SEMIC action stakeholders including: The e-Government Core Vocabularies Working Group (with a total of 69 people from 22 countries, 19 EU and 3 non-EU countries (USA, South-Africa, and Norway), and several EU Institutions and the Directorate-General for Digital Services: DG DIGIT.

The current version of the Core Person Vocabulary is 2.1.0. The latest editor draft of the Core Person Vocabulary is 2.1.1. Both versions can be downloaded on GitHub.



The Core Person Vocabulary includes a minimal number of classes and properties modelled to capture the typical details recorded by people registers. It facilitates information exchange between registers exchanging and processing information about people.


Version information

  • On the first of February 2024, the editors draft of version 2.2.1 was released for public review.
  • On 16 May 2023, version 2.1.0 was released.
  • In April 2021 a new public review cycle of the Core Person Vocabulary, Core Business Vocabulary, Core Location Vocabulary and Core Public Organisation Vocabulary started. After a series of five webinars, version 2.0.0 of the Core Person Vocabulary was released. 
  • On 23 May 2012 the Coordination Group of the Interoperability Solutions for European Public Administrations (ISA) Programme has endorsed the Core Business, Core Location and Core Person Vocabulary.
  • On 7 May 2012 version 1.00 of the combined specification of Core Business, Core Location and Core Person Vocabulary was released.
  • From November 2011 until February 2012 version 0.2 was developed.

Development and maintenance process

The applicable policy regarding the development and maintenance process of the Core Person Vocabulary is available here.


Reuse of the Core Person Vocabulary

The list below includes countries and organisations that reuse or promote the use of the Core Person Vocabulary.


Get involved!

Do you want to participate in the work of our Core Vocabularies Working Group? Share your comments and change requests via the GitHub Core Person Vocabulary repository.

Release date: 01/02/2024

Core Person Vocabulary

Release date: 16/05/2023

Core Person Vocabulary

Release date: 20/05/2022

Core Person Vocabulary

Release date: 07/05/2012

Core Person Vocabulary

Release date: 30/04/2012

Core Person Vocabulary

Release date: 17/02/2012

Core Person Vocabulary

Detailed information

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Solution type
Interoperability Specification
Release version
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