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City of Malaga Open Data Portal Switch to the latest release

Published on: 12/12/2016 Last update: 21/02/2024 Archived

The “City of Malaga Open Data Portal” was released in August 2013, it was published to meet two main goals: it must fulfil laws and directives about data reuse in public sector and it must share useful, reusable and structured information for citizens and companies.

The Portal uses CKAN open source, but an extra development was needed before publishing it. First, we needed to include corporative look and feel and, second, generate extra data that CKAN doesn't manage by default. All this software is available on GitHub platform to be reused freely.

Later, as we wanted to increase our data visibility, we published our data Catalog into the National Open Data Catalog ( In order to achieve that, it was needed to make an additional development that allowed federating our resources. The federation process receives a Data Catalog file and adds it as part of the national Catalog. So that, if a user searches for data into, our datasets will be part of the results.

An API was also developed to produce such results, which is included into the aforementioned software package available on GitHub ( )

The “City of Malaga Open Data Portal” has been the first entity which is federated using CKAN. Other cities are reusing our software for their own federation.

Currently, Malaga Open Data is the fourth Spanish entity with most resources available in"

The Malaga Council open government team collaborates maintaining and improving this plugin.  

Our solution increases open data visibility, because it publics data into          

This solution has been developed by Malaga Council Open goverment developer team.   

The solution can be used by any organisations or domains as long as they deploy CKAN platform. This solution is sustainable by Malaga Council Open Goverment developer team.


Our solution uses CKAN platform plugins, Python Programming Language and RDF as a Semantic Web Standard.           

This plugin runs on CKAN platform (CKAN is a web-based open source management system for the storage and distribution of open data), Linux operating system, Postgresql database.

This solution reuses CKAN platform, and some plugins provided by other organizations which improve our open data portal functionality. This software is provided as open source.

Last update: 22/10/2019

City of Malaga Open Data Portal