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Digital Agenda Data tool on your desktop Latest release

Published on: 14/01/2016 Archived

This tool has been developed in the context of SMART 2012/0107 'Provision of services for the Publication, Access and Reuse of Open Public Data across the European Union, through existing open data portals' funded under Contract No. 30-CE-0530965/00-17 (henceforth referred to as Open Data Support).

Statistical data is a frequently produced to represent a state of a governmental, institutional or research investigation. In order to allow these figures to be compared or contrasted, they need to be consolidated and management in a common format, so that tools can be built to visualisation the information in a form which will make sense to the information consumer.

In Open Data Suport, the need for providing a tool both for training and operational purposes was identified. To this end, we considered the reuse of the Digital Agenda Data tool (DAD), which has been developed for the Digital Agenda Scoreboard of DG CONNECT.  The Digital Agenda Scoreboard publishes the European indicators on how digital Europe is. The DAD, which drives the Digital Agenda Scoreboard, is based on W3C's RDF DataCube vocabulary. In this task, a locally deployable instance of the DAD was created to evaluate the tool.

The selection of the DAD for this task is motivated by the following:

·        the DAD is being used in practice and supporting a working statistical data portal;

·        the DAD is built upon open source technology and comes with an deployment manual;

·        the locally deployable instance results in an easy to activate demo setup which makes the publishing process more tangible;

·        the locally deployable instance is also a positive outcome for the owners of the DAD:

o   the deployment instructions get validated by an external users they can better evaluate and test further directions.

With this activity we strengthen the statistical Linked Data ecosystem. By means of the local deployment of the DAD tool, owners of statistical data are able to experiment and see in a practice how their data can be published as linked data cubes.


Download the Digital Agenda Data tool on your desktop here!