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STORK 2.0 Secure idenTity acrOss boRders linKed 2.0 Latest release

Published on: 25/09/2015 Last update: 02/10/2017

STORK 2.0 facilitates the usage of eID across borders, allowing citizens to authenticate at foreign portals on behalf of themselves or on behalf of other natural or legal persons.


STORK 2.0 extends the STORK platform with:

- Authentication on behalf of; allowing people to act in the name of other legal or natural persons, taking into account their cross-border powers of representation (mandates)

- Powers (for digital signatures): designed to verify that signatories of documents have powers enough to present such documents on behalf of the person indicated in the document

- Domain-specific attributes, especially academic attributes, allowing a great diversity of trusted cross-border attribute providers to supply attributes which describe certain aspects of the user

- Powers Validation, a process designed to support the validation of mandates stored at the Service Providers site on revocation.

- Digital signature support for signing especially (pdf) contracts and (xml) transactions

- several commodities: Version control, Document Transport Layer for exchange of huge signed documents, anonymity, eIdentifier privacy and similarity of names

STORK 2.0 also opens the STORK platform to the private sector, especially the banks, thus increasing the requirements for especially integrity, availability and traceablity


Just like STORK, STORK2.0 is user-centric, with the objective that the user is always aware of - and consents - when he/she is sending his personal data abroad. Privacy and confidentiality are considered as a key factor for success.


STORK2.0 is an evolution of STORK, just like the eIDAS software as published at

For a near future we may possibly foresee the convergence of both platforms to just one, combining the advantages of both: number of connected services in STORK with the legal coverage offered by eIDAS.


Some software packages have been produced by this project. Their orientation is towards each group of stakeholders:

  • Pan European Proxy Server (PEPS) countries. The PEPS is responsible for the routing to other countries, for authentication (maybe through an identity provider), for data transformation, for control, and for bilateral trust management with other countries.

This package contains 2 files, composed for this group of stakeholders

  • MiddleWare (MW) countries. The Virtual IDP (V-IDP) is responsible for the routing to other countries' modules within itself, for authentication (maybe through an identity provider), for data transformation, for control, and for bilateral trust management with other countries.

The link below is to the package located at TU-Graz (one of the STORK2.0 partners), as the file is too big for this site. This package is also especially composed for this group of stakeholders

  • Provider of one or more application services to end users (Service Provider). A package has been composed for Service Providers, which want to connect to the STORK platform 
  • Attribute Providers (AP): Organisation that creates and maintains attributes and may provide these attributes to other organisations. A package has been composed for Attribute Providers, which want to connect to the STORK platform


Each package contains:

- An Overview for new ... (MS, SPs, APs)

- the software itself

- an installation manual

- test tools

- example software for integration

- Test credentials


Last update: 24/10/2019

MS package-1

Last update: 24/10/2019

MS package-2

Last update: 24/10/2019

MS package for MW countries

Last update: 24/10/2019

AP package

Last update: 23/10/2019

SP package