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Aligning and reusing INSPIRE and open data portal metadata

Aligning and reusing INSPIRE…

Published on: 30/06/2014 Last update: 04/10/2017 News Archived

This month has seen the 8th annual INSPIRE Conference, with a range of workshops and presentations covering many components involving the implementation of the Directive and an increasing number discussing their broad application and reuse [1].

One area of interest to A Reusable INSPIRE Reference Platform (ARE3NA) is the reuse of INSPIRE metadata in the context of open data portals. ARE3NA supported the creation of a new version of INSPIRE’s Metadata Technical Guidelines (TG), integrating some good practices and metadata elements for evaluation and reuse. This acted as a reference document for the possible reuse of INSPIRE metadata in open data activities.

The JRC has developed a proposal for the alignment of INSPIRE metadata with the RDF vocabulary Data Catalog Application Profile (DCAT AP) that should be used as a generic metadata interchange format between European data portals. This work is contributing to the INSPIRE Maintenance and Implementation Work Programme (Task 8: Update of Metadata TG)[2], with results presented by Andrea Perego from the JRC at this year’s conference [3].

A consultation has just been launched on the alignments between INSPIRE metadata and the DCAT AP via the INSPIRE Forum [4] and welcoming feedback from both INSPIRE and e-government/ISA stakeholders via the INSPIRE Forum.





City/Location: Ispra