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CAMSS Assessment MSP Scenario - Quick user guide

The CAMSS Assessment MSP Scenario contains different sections according to the insights and recommendations of the Multi-Stakeholder Platform (MSP).

The Multi-Stakeholder Platform (MSP). provides guidance to public administrations on how to improve the governance of their interoperability activities, establish cross-organisational relationships, streamline processes supporting end-to-end digital services, and ensure that existing and new legislation does not compromise interoperability efforts. This CAMSS Scenario allows for the assessment of the compliance of interoperability specifications with the MSP. The objective of the obtained assessment is to determine the suitability of the assessed interoperability specification for the delivery of interoperable European public services.

Apart from this user guide on how to use the CAMSS Assessment MSP Scenario in the European Platform EUSurvey, CAMSS also provides the CAMSS Methodology which aims to guide users on how to answer the criteria.

Purpose of this page

This custom page aims to explain CAMSS MSP scenario work in EU Survey and ease the use of the scenario to the users.


User Guide sections: