We would like to inform you about the new version of the EIRA Library of Interoperability Specifications (ELIS). This version is based on the latest version of EIRA V5.0.0.
The EIRA Library of Interoperability Specifications is a library containing the standards and specifications defining the interoperability requirements of the architectural building blocks (ABBs) contained in the European Interoperability Reference Architecture (EIRA). The aim of this library is to support solutions architects when modelling using EIRA.
The new features included in this new version are:
- Addition of new specifications.
- Inclusion of the specification versioning.
- Aggregation of TOGAF domains.
- New population (with assessed specifications) of ABBs.
If you are interested in knowing more about ELIS, please visit our website https://joinup.ec.europa.eu/collection/common-assessment-method-standards-and-specifications-camss/solution/elis .