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CIRCABC 4.2.3 Switch to the latest release

Published on: 14/06/2023 Last update: 22/05/2024

This release encompasses various functional changes, improvements and bug fixes. 

Main changes

Notifications configuration improved

Library service 

Improvement of the check-out/check-in mechanism: when a document is checked-out by a member, the ‘working copy’ is not accessible anymore for other users. Only the source document remain accessible in read-only. 

When a document is uploaded, updated, edited, moved, or deleted, it is now possible to choose whether notifications will be sent or not to the subscribed users.

Forum service 

When a post is created or edited, it is now possible to choose whether notifications will be sent or not to the subscribed users. 

Pagination mechanism is implemented, improving the loading time of the topics and messages

Contact CIRCABC Support form

Re-design of the ‘Contact Support’ form (including the Mobile version)


- Harmonization of the workflow to access links to restricted areas of the Library (Guest accesses vs Authenticated users). There is now a single workflow handling all cases. 

- Forums 

The permissions given to a user is now removed after the user membership is revoked. 

The performance issue when accessing a forum with a lot of topics are now improved by introducing a pagination mechanism. 

When searching for a topic using the search feature, clicking a topic name-link in the returned list was an empty page. The corresponding topic/post is now correctly displayed. 

- [Leaders] Interest group : The group name was missing in the requests for new Interest groups
