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LIVE DEBATE - Digital sovereignty in the age of pandemics With Margrethe Vestager & Pascal Lamy

Published on: 20/04/2020 Event Archived



Digital sovereignty in the age of pandemics With Margrethe Vestager & Pascal Lamy

24 April 2020 | 14:00



Pascal Lamy, former EU Trade Commissioner, former WTO's Director General
Margrethe Vestager, European Commission Executive Vice-President
Bruno Liebhaberg, CERRE Director General (moderator)


Positioning Europe as a trusted digital leader is one of the European Commission’s top priorities. With the COVID-19 outbreak, and potentially more crises of a similar nature in the future, this issue and more specifically the quest for digital sovereignty, are higher than ever on EU policymakers' agenda.

  • How does this pandemic affect Europe’s digital ambitions?
  • What impact will it have on Europe’s industrial strategy?
  • What are the risks, but also the opportunities for Europe and how can EU leaders address them?

Join this CERRE live-streamed debate with European Commission Executive Vice-President Margrethe Vestager and Pascal Lamy, former EU Trade Commissioner, former Director General of the WTO, and Honorary President of the Jacques Delors Institute.


  • How does this pandemic affect Europe’s digital ambitions?
  • What impact will it have on Europe’s industrial strategy?
  • What are the risks, but also the opportunities for Europe and how can EU leaders address them?