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Open source solutions

This page contains a growing list of open source software and hardware solutions to help medical staff, public administrations, businesses and citizens in their daily activities. They are related to the following domains:

  • APIs: APIs to integrate data-tracking solutions on the outbreak to your website
  • Call for projects/ideas: platforms to gather ideas & projects that tackle  COVID-19-related problems
  • CEF Building Blocks: the CEF Building Blocks offer basic digital capabilities that can be used in any European project to facilitate the delivery of digital public services across borders
  • Contact tracing: apps helping health authorities to limit the transmission of coronavirus or citizens in finding out whether they are at risk of contamination
  • Daily life: useful open source apps and software helping citizens to adapt to social distancing and new reality
  • Education: open source solutions helping citizens to study from home
  • Information BOT: open source chatbots collecting information about the COVID-19 crisis
  • Medical Services: open source solutions that help solve problems in healthcare services
  • My Health: open source solutions helping citizens to stay healthy
  • Open Source Hardware: open source hardware providing equipment to medical services
  • Remote work: open source software helping citizens and businesses to work from home
  • Research: open source solutions to assist scientific research against COVID-19
  • Resources: open source repositories collecting useful software
  • Updated data on the outbreak: platforms collecting up-to-date and reliable data on the COVID-19 outbreak
  • Volunteering: open source platforms helping to identify volunteering opportunities to support local communities.

If you know of any other open source solutions helping to tackle COVID-19, let us know here or drop us an email at

In order to ease the navigation and search of solutions, solutions might be present in more than one custom page or more than one category.


Name: Coronavirus Tracker API
Published by/Owner: Developer (ExpDev07)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: API for tracking COVID-19 outbreak

Name: covid-19-api
Published by/Owner: Civic Information Office
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: API for tracking COVID-19 outbreak

Name: COVID2019-API
Published by/Owner: Developer (Nuttaphat Arunoprayoch)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: API for tracking COVID-19 outbreak

Name: COVID-19 GraphQL API
Published by/Owner: Developer (Ryan Lindskog)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: API for tracking COVID-19 outbreak

Name: COVID-19 Spain API
Published by/Owner: Developer (elias-garcia)
Geographical coverage: Spain
Description: REST API for centralizing data from daily reports made by the Spanish government about the COVID-19 pandemic and opening them for further analysis. 

Name: Exposure Notifications API
Published by/Owner: Apple and Google
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Exposure Notifications API.

Name: Lightweight API for Sequences (LAPIS)
Published by/Owner: cEvo (Computational Evolution group of ETH Zurich)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: LAPIS is an open web API allowing querying of public SARS-CoV-2 sequencing data. It can be used to filter sequences by metadata or mutations or aggregate data by any metadata field.
Name: Project Lockdown
Published by/Owner: The IO Foundation
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description:  Project Lockdown is a monitoring platform with an open source API proposing insights on the measures and policy implemented during the COVID-19 pandemic throughout the world that may violate or affect Human and Digital Rights. 
Name: Sampling of APIs to track COVID-19
Published by/Owner: Wendell Santos
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: This article gathers information on over 50 APIs to track COVDI-19 and it is regularly updated.


Call for projects / ideas

Name: Call for code
Published by/Owner: IBM
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Global contest for coders to develop open-source solutions to fight COVID-19. Submissions are accepted until the 31st of July. Selected solutions will receive funding and support from IBM.
Name: PathCheck
Published by/Owner: PathCheck Foundation
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: The Pathcheck foundatation's repository aims to gather open source software, standards, and public health programs that help contain the pandemic, restart the economy, and protect individual freedom and privacy.
Name: Your Priorities - Online Decision-Making and Deliberation
Published by/Owner: Citizens Foundation (Iceland) -
Citizens Foundation America
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Your Priorities is an open-source online idea generation and deliberation platform that connects governments & nonprofits with citizens. Your Priorities has been used to improve decision-making in hundreds of projects in 20 countries by over 1.5 million people for the past 11 years.


CEF Building Blocks

Name: CEF Big Data Test Infrastructure
Published by/Owner: European Commission
Geographical coverage: Europe
Description: A ready-to-use, scalable virtual environment allowing public administrations to experiment with and analyse big datasets for data-driven insights on COVID-19 policy-making.

Name: CEF Context Broker
Published by/Owner: European Commission
Geographical coverage: Europe
Description: An API that can integrate data from multiple systems, turning widely collected data into real-time patient tracking, contagion maps and predictive analyses.

Name: CEF eArchiving
Published by/Owner: European Commission
Geographical coverage: Europe
Description: Provides the core specifications, software, training and knowledge to tackle the challenge of short, medium and long-term data storage, management and reuse.

Name: CEF eDelivery 
Published by/Owner: European Commission
Geographical coverage: Europe
Description: Helps public administrations and businesses exchange data and documents across borders and at the national level via AS4 Access Points, based on the AS4 messaging protocol.

Name: CEF eID
Published by/Owner: European Commission
Geographical coverage: Europe
Description: Allows public administrations and private service providers to easily extend the use of their online services to citizens from other Member States, in line with the eIDAS Regulation.

Name: CEF eInvoicing
Published by/Owner: European Commission
Geographical coverage: Europe
Description: Promotes the successful uptake of electronic invoicing in Europe, respecting the European standard on electronic invoicing and Directive 2014/55/EU on electronic invoicing in public procurement.

Name: CEF eSignature
Published by/Owner: European Commission
Geographical coverage: Europe
Description: Allows public administrations, businesses, and citizens to electronically sign any document, anywhere in Europe, at any time, in line with the eIDAS Regulation for e-signatures, e-seals and related services offered by Trust Service Providers.

Name: CEF eTranslation
Published by/Owner: European Commission
Geographical coverage: Europe
Description: A machine translation tool that can translate between all official EU languages, Icelandic and Norwegian.

Name: CEF European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI)
Published by/Owner: European Commission
Geographical coverage: Europe
Description: The EBSI will be materialised as a network of distributed nodes across Europe (the blockchain), to deliver EU-wide cross-border public services using blockchain technology.

Name: CEF Once Only Principle
Published by/Owner: European Commission
Geographical coverage: Europe
Description: Reduces administrative burden for businesses and citizens by ensuring that citizens and businesses provide diverse data only once in contact with public administrations.


Contact tracing

Published by/Owner: MakIT for the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia
Geographical scope: Latvia
Description: Decentralised contact tracing app for Latvian residents. relies on the Apple+Google Exposure Notifications API.

Published by/Owner: German Federal Government and private companies
Geographical scope: Germany
Description: On-going development of a German contact tracing app for the public. This decentralised solution relies on the Apple+Google Exposure Notifications API.

Name: Coronalert
Published by/Owner: Belgian government
Geographical coverage: Belgium
Description: Coronalert is a free mobile app, aiming at slowing down the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). The Coronalert app uses technology to speed up contact detection in Belgium. 

Name: COVID19 ZostanZdravy
Published by/Owner: Slovak National Health Information Centre
Geographical coverage: Slovakia
Description: Centralized solution that relies on Bluetooth/BLE (proximity tracing) and GPS location developed by Slovak volunteers/experts (in partnership with Sygic) for the Slovak National Health Information Centre (state-funded organization founded by the Slovak Ministry of Health).

Name: Covid radar
Published by/Owner: Spanish government
Geographical scope: Spain
Description: The Covid Radar mobile app allow you to get information on your level of exposure to the coronavirus, calculated according to whether you came across people with a confirmed diagnosis in the previous 14 days.
NameCOVID Tracker App
Published by/Owner: Government of Ireland
Geographical scope: Ireland
Description: Mobile application that provides public health advice and contact-tracing notifications to its users.
Published by/Owner: RISE joint venture
Geographical scope: Cyprus
Description: Using location tracing, COVTRACER is a contact tracing app that has been extended in Cyprus for people without limited movements (nurses, doctors, police officer …)

Name: Data for Mobility Changes in Response to COVID-19
Published by/Owner: Descartes Lab
Geographical coverage: United States
Description: Mobility statistics (representing the distance a typical member of a given population moves in a day) at the US state and county level.

Name: Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing 
Published by/Owner: Developer (DP-3T)
Geographical coverage: Worlwide
Description: Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing (DP-3T) is a proposal for a secure and decentralized privacy-preserving proximity tracing system. Its goal is to simplify and accelerate the process of identifying people who have been in contact with an infected person, thus providing a technological foundation to help slow the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Published by/Owner: University of Urbino, Italy 
Geographical scope: Worldwide
Description: “Digital Arianna”, diAry, is a web-app that allows to track movements relevant to the containment of the diffusion of COVID-19. To address the diffusion of the virus, the app traces back all the locations and people that the user has met during the incubation period. All data is saved on the personal device of the user, who can decide to examine, export and eventually intersect them with information of public utility.
Published by/Owner: European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control
Geographical scope: Worldwide
Description: On the basis of data and related metadata from the Twitter Standard Search API, this open source tool is used for the early detection of public health threats from the monitoring of Twitter data and trends of tweets by time, geolocation and topic.
Name: eRouška 
Published by/Owner: COVID19CZ 
Geographical scope: Czechia
Description: Decentralised contact tracing app for Czech residents.
NameEU Federation Gateway Service
Published by/Owner:European Commission
Geographical scope: European Union
Description: Official digital solution developed by the European Commission to support the interoperability of the Members States’s decentralised contact tracing application’s backend servers, to combat COVID-19.

Name: GNU Health
Published by/Owner: GNU Solidario
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: GNU Health is a Libre Health and Hospital Information system, with a strong focus on Public Health. It combines the socioeconomic determinants of health with state-of-the-art technology in bioinformatics and clinical genetics. Among other functionalities, GNU Health provides the functionality of georeferencing the Domiciliary Units and contact tracing of infected persons.

Name: Google Exposure Notifications Verification Server
Published by/Owner: Google
Geographical scope: Worldwide
Description: Google's reference implementation for an Exposure Notifications verification server is part of the broader Google Exposure Notifications system. The open source component provides reference code for development of Android and iOS contact-tracing apps by public health authorities.
Published by/Owner: Bending Spoons
Geographical scope: Italy
Description: Decentralised contact tracing app for Italian residents.
Name: Koronavilkku
Published by/Owner: Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
Geographical scope: Finland
Description: Koronavilkku is a contact to help  find out whether users have been exposed to coronavirus.
Name: NHS COVID-19
Published by/Owner: British governement
Geographical scope: England
Description: The App has been designed to assist in stopping the spread of Covid-19 in England, by anonymously contacting people who have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

Name: Open-source tools for tracking healthcare workers' locations during the COVID-19 pandemic
Published by/Owner: Databrew LLC
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Databrew has identified tools to compile a simple framework of open-source tools for tracking healthcare workers' locations. It's a system for tracking the locations of healthcare workers so that when one gets sick, public health agencies, hospitals, ministries, and any organization managing workers who are at high risk of infection, can see where the worker has been and therefore whom they may have exposed.

Name: Pan-European Privacy-Preserving Proximity Tracing
Published by/Owner: PEPP-PT Community
Geographical coverage: Europe
Description: Supplying national initiatives with ready-to-use, tested and properly assessed mechanisms and standards for proximity measurement on mobile systems and devices. 

Name: ProteGO Safe
Published by/Owner: TYTANI24 for the Polish Ministry of Digitization
Geographical coverage: Poland
Description: Multi-purpose app (medical diary & proximity-tracing) based on a centralized solution.

NameRakning C-19 App
Published by/Owner: Icelandic Directorate of Health
Geographical coverage: Iceland
Description: Rakning C-19 is an app that can be downloaded voluntarily and facilitates the contact tracing process amidst the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic in Iceland. In case the contact tracing team of the Department of Civil Protection and Emergency Management needs to track someone's movements, they will be asked to upload their location data.

Name: Shield
Published by/Owner: Israeli Ministry of Health
Geographical coverage: Israel
Description: This contact-tracing app helps users find out whether they have been in contact with confirmed COVID-19 cases 

Name: Smittestopp 
Published by/Owner: Simula for the Norwegian Institute of Public Health
Geographical scope: Norway
Description: Centralized solution that relies on proximity tracing (via Bluetooth) and  device location on demand (GPS).

Published by/Owner: INRIA
Geographical scope: France
Description: Centralised contact tracing app based on PEPP-PT protocol
Name: STOP COVID - ProteGO Safe
Owner: Polish government
Geographical scope: Poland
Description: Contact tracing application for Polish citizens.
Published by/Owner: British government
Geographical scope: Northern Ireland
Description: The App has been designed to assist in stopping the spread of Covid-19 in Northern Ireland, by anonymously contacting people who have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.

Name: Stopp Corona App
Published by/Owner: Red Cross Austria
Geographical coverage: Austria
Description: The Austrian Red Cross has developed the “stop corona” app to monitor the effectiveness of the protection measures with aggregated movement data. The use is on a voluntary basis and the app is compliant with EU and national data protection regulations. If a user gets infected, then he can send an anonymised warning via the app to all contacts from the last 48 hours.

Name: SwissCovid
Published by/Owner: Federal Office of Public Health
Geographical scope: Switzeland
Description: The SwissCovid app for mobile phones is helping to contain the new coronavirusby complementing the existing contact-tracing efforts.
Name: Symptom tracker
Published by/Owner: Developer (alexisthual)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: A scalable web app for tracking COVID-19-related symptoms amongst confined populations

Name: TraceTogether
Published by/Owner: Singaporean Ministry of Information and Communication
Geographical coverage: Singapore
Description: This contact-tracing app helps users find out whether they have been in contact with confirmed COVID-19 cases 

Name: VirusRadar 
Published by/Owner: Nextsense for the Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Hungary
Geographical scope: Hungary
Description: Custom decentralised contact tracing solution based on Nextsense Contact Tracing Technology, the app requires a hungarian phone number to enable bluetooth tracing.
Name: ViruSafe
Published by/Owner: Scalefocus
Geographical scope: Bulgaria
Description: Approved by the Bulgarian Ministry of Health, ViruSafe isa multi-purpose app, that doesn't use Bluetooth for tracing, but only GPS location. Besides being an information app about COVID-19 emergency in Bulgaria, such app includes indeed a health status tracker/diary & a location tracker, that allows to share GPS coordinates with the Ministry of Health.
Name: WHO COVID-19 app
Published by/Owner: World Health Organisation
Geographical scope: Nigeria
Description: The app allows users to access information on the COVID-19 pandemic, learn how to protect themselves and their community, register for real-time notifications for your location, and find ways to help out pandemic relief efforts.

Name: 2KM From Home
Published by/Owner: Developer (casseds2)
Geographical coverage: Ireland
Description: In the wake of new restrictions in Ireland, whereby individuals can only conduct leisure activities within 2km of their home, a new pin drop site – – was developed to let users instantly map the 2km radius around their home. 

Name: Summary on European open source contact tracing apps
Published by/Owner: Github
Geographical coverage: Europe
Description: Summary report on the current status of the development of open source contact tracing apps, frameworks and protocols.It includes a map showing current possible backend interoperability. 


Daily life

Published by/Owner: CoVerified GmbH
Geographical coverage: Germany
Description: Solution that can be integrated into websites to help highlight important and verified information about the COVID-19 outbreak from the German government.
Name: Covid food map
Published by/Owner: Code for America
Geographical coverage: United States
Description: Mapping when/where food pickups are available during the COVID-19 crisis.
Name: Covid Free web
Published by/Owner: Developer (DavidM42)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Browser extension to reduce the strain by constant COVID-19 news and spam on social networks which can lead to panic.
NameCOVID Green
Published by/Owner: Health Service Executive (HSE) of Ireland
Geographical coverage: Ireland
Description: COVID Green is an open source notification application for citizens developed by the Government of Ireland, tracking exposure to COVID-19.
NameCovid restrictions
Published by/Owner: Developer (metamoof)
Geographical coverage: Spain
Description: Open source repository of the changes in the COVID-19 related recommendations and restrictions in Spain.
NameCOVID-19 Benefits Node
Published by/Owner: Canadian Digital Service
Geographical coverage: Canada
Description: Web portal for Canadian citizens that helps to identify benefits relevant to COVID-19 by anonymously answering a few simple questions and getting a personalised list of benefits, calculating how much financial assistance they may be entitled to.
NameCOVID-19 passbook Generator
Published by/Owner: Developer (clawfire)
Geographical coverage: European Union
Description: Web application that converts the QR code embedded in the EU Digital COVID Certificate into a digital card that can be integrated into mobile wallets.
NameCovid-19 People Counter System
Published by/Owner: Developer (texano)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: System that analyses images from surveillance cameras and generates information on the occupancy rate of commercial and public spaces.
Published by/Owner: Developer (chandrikadeb7)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: The Face Mask Detection system is an open source solution relying on computer vision and deep learning technologies, which detects whether people are wearing masks (correctly). Its aim is to help citizens and organisations to ensure safety and compliance with health measures in transports, highly populated or residential areas, shops, etc.
NameHerd Immunity Simulator
Published by/Owner: Developer (ProfJordan)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Herd immunity simulator that allows users to compare the infection rate between vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, through custom data values such as immunisation rate, infection rate and infection speed.
Name: Integreat - the Digital Integration Platform
Published by/Owner: Integreat
Geographical coverage: Germany
Description: Integreat is an open source mobile and web application designed to help inform newcomers in Germany with a digital guide in various languages, now integrating COVID-19 information from the local authorities.
NameMes Conseils Covid (My Covid Tips)
Published by/Owner: French Ministry of Solidarity and Health
Geographical coverage: France
Description: Platform providing answers regarding COVID-19 isolation, tests, vaccination, attestation forms and close contacts. Users are also offered custom advice based on the information provided on the survey.
NameNew Zealand MIQ (Managed Isolation and Quarantine) Tools
Published by/Owner: Developer (jvolker)
Geographical coverage: New Zealand
Description: Solution to help travellers pre-book an accommodation on New Zealand's Managed Isolation and Quarantine (MIQ) system. The vouchers offered through the system assist individuals or groups in booking an isolation accommodation upon arrival.
Published by/Owner: Framasoft
Geographical coverage: France
Description: Free, open source and decentralised alternative to video platforms. PeerTube is a network of many small video hosts, who can choose to be connected and share their content with each other.
Name: Posso Ir? (Can I Go?)
Published by/Owner: Developer (simaob)
Geographical coverage: Portugal
Description: Mobile app that provides information on the queues and occupancy in commercial and public spaces.
NameSocial Distancing with AI
Published by/Owner: Developer (rohanrao619)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open source code that uses artificial intelligence to help monitor social distancing and the use of masks in public places through CCTV footage.



Published by/Owner: FFT Education Datalab
Geographical scope: England
Description: Interactive hex maps of school absence data in England during the second wave of COVID-19.
Name: Anki
Published by/Owner: Ankitects 
Geographical scope: Worldwide
Description: Anki is a free and open-source flashcard program using spaced repetition, a technique from cognitive science for fast and long-lasting memorization.
Published by/Owner: French Ministry of National Education and Youth
Geographical scope: France
Description: The platform is meant to ensure pedagogical continuity and help meet teachers’ needs for distance learning tools.
Published by/Owner: Developer (thatcherclough)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Bot that helps teachers keep track of the class attendance by automatically filling out Google Forms. The tool tracks the lesson by the current day and month in the title and automatically fills up the attached forms with specified values (name and grade of the student).
Published by/Owner: ATutor
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Web-based learning management system for the development and delivery of online courses, through the development of custom themes and the extension of its functionalities with feature modules.
Name: BigBlueButton Open Source Web Conferencing System
Published by/Owner: BigBlueButton
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open source web conferencing system for online learning. 
Name: Chamilo
Published by/Owner:
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Chamilo is an open source e-learning platform, also called "LMS" or "LCMS" published under GNU/GPLv3+. It is or has been used by more than 20M people worldwide.
Published by/Owner: HackMD
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open source and collaborative writing platform, accessible across all browsers via an URL. It includes many tools for text formatting and sharing content (e.g. videos, pdf, code, etc.), as well as a presentation mode.
Published by/Owner: Center for Learning Management
Geographical coverage: Austria
Description: Eduvidual is a Moodle-based highly customisable platform that helps teachers provide learning activities (e.g. lessons, assignments, discussions, quizzes) to support remote education.
Published by/Owner: The Etherpad Foundation
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Etherpad is a customisable online document editor, providing collaborative editing in real-time. This online tool can be further customise with 290 available plugins.
Published by/Owner: Developer (santhoshraje)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Contact-less classroom attendance taking Android/iOS application, created to help educational institutions ensure the continuity of classes throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
Published by/Owner: ILIAS open source e-Learning Society
Geographical coverage: Germany
Description: Open source learning management system for schools, universities and public authorities with integrated tools allowing users to create tailored learning scenarios.
Name: Jitsi Meet Multi-platform Open Source Video Conferencing System
Published by/Owner:
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open source web conferencing system for online learning. 
Published by/Owner: The Oppia Foundation
Geographical scope: Worldwide
Description: Online learning tool that enables citizens to easily create and share interactive educational activities that can be used by schools and parents.
Name: Tutorbook App
Published by/Owner: Tutorbook
Geographical scope: Worldwide
Description: Free online platform that helps connect students with mentors and volunteer tutors.
Published by/Owner: Developer (ROTARTSI82)
Geographical scope: Worldwide
Description: Customisable virtual bell to help students follow their school schedule and be notified of the beginning and end of their classes and breaks.


Information BOT

Name: COVID19AragonBot
Published by/Owner: Government of Aragon, ITAINNOVA
Geographical coverage: Spain
Description: An official telegram channel with information on the situation with the spread of COVID-19: @COVID19AragonBot and Telegram-bot with answers to the most common questions about COVID-19

Name: COVID-19 Twitter bot
Published by/Owner: Developer (TheYadda)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Twitter bot for posting information on the spread of COVID-19.

Name: Telegram Bot
Published by/Owner: Developer (hearot)
Geographical coverage: Italy
Description: A Telegram bot which allows you to retrieve data from Dati COVID-19 Italy from the Dipartimento della Protezione Civile.


Medical Services

Published by/Owner: veloper (grahamegrieve)
Geographical scope: Worldwide
Description: Software that helps general practitioners manage their appointments to avoid the congregation of patients in the waiting room.
Name: CommCare
Published by/Owner: Dimagi
Geographical scope: Worldwide
Description: CommCare is an open source digital health platform that allows users to easily build and deploy custom data collection and decision support applications. The software enables anyone to build web and mobile apps in a “no-code” environment, from simple surveys to comprehensive longitudinal data tracking and case management with decision support, multimedia, and SMS messaging.
NameCough Against COVID-19
Published by/Owner: Wadhwani Institute for Artificial Intelligence
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Cough Against COVID-19 is an AI tool using cough sounds, symptoms and contextual information to triage patients who may be infected with COVID-19.
Name: Covid
Published by/Owner: Lifen
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Covid is a web application which aims to facilitate covid-19 patients' self-monitoring at home via forms sent by SMS.
Published by/Owner: Developer (dimdano)
Geographical scope: Worldwide
Description: Deep Learning application that uses Neural Networks to detect COVID-19, Viral Pneumonia or Pneumonia from X-ray images, shortening the examination time and supporting medical professionals with 97% accuracy.
Name: COVID-19 Health Bot
Published by/Owner:  US Center for Disease Control
Geographical scope: USA
Description: The Health Bot  collects automated screening protocols and self-checker algorithms from organizations implementing CDC screening protocols in interactive web sites, chat bots, and other technology.
Name: COVID-19 Hospital Impact Model for Epidemics
Published by/Owner: Predictive Healthcare @ Penn Medicine
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open source software designed to assist hospitals and public health officials with understanding hospital capacity needs as they relate to the COVID-19 pandemic
Name: COVID-19 Prognosis
Published by/Owner: New York University
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: The COVID-19 Prognosis is an artificial intelligence system design to help predict the deterioration of COVID-19 patients in the emergency department.
Name: COVID-19 rapid testing service
Published by/Owner: Municipality of Budapest
Geographical coverage: Hungary
Description: Online platform for registration of COVID-19 rapid tests for the residents of the City of Budapest.
Name: COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery Toolkit
Published by/Owner: DHIS2
Geographical scope: Worldwide
Description: The DHIS2 toolkit for COVID-19 vaccine delivery expands field-tested designs and tools from the World Health Organisation (WHO) DHIS2 immunisation data toolkit to enable countries to rapidly update existing systems to support the equitable delivery of lifesaving COVID-19 vaccines at scale. 
Name: COVID-19 vulnerability index
Published by/Owner: British Red cross
Geographical coverage: United States
Description: Prototype COVID-19 vulnerability index for wards and Local Authorities in the UK
Name: Epidemicmodels
Published by/Owner: Developer (Robert Rapplean)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Model to estimate hospital bed requirements
NameFind the masks
Published by/Owner: Developer (findthemasks)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Global mapping tool and interactive directory for personal protective equipment (PPE) needs, enabling individuals, communities, and large-scale manufacturers to engage and assist during the COVID-19 pandemic by providing information on PPE available to donate or what healthcare locations are accepting donations.
Name: GNU Health
Published by/Owner: GNU Solidario
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: GNU Health is a Libre Health and Hospital Information system, with a strong focus on Public Health. It combines the socioeconomic determinants of health with state-of-the-art technology in bioinformatics and clinical genetics. Among other functionalities, GNU Health provides the functionality of georeferencing the Domiciliary Units and contact tracing of infected persons.
Name: Ih19: Covid 19 Vaccine Injection History
Published by/Owner: Developer (nguyenkim)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Repository for a web application for the management of the vaccine injection process. Vaccine injection site managers can fill out information on vaccine recipients and monitor vaccine injections.
Name: Information on Hospital Capacity in Switzerland
Published by/Owner: Specialist Unit for Open Government Data Canton of Zurich
Geographical coverage: Switzerland
Description: Provides information on hospital capacity in Swiss hospitals.
Name: mHero
Owner: US Agency for International Development
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: mHero is a two-way, mobile phone-based communication system that connects ministries of health and health workers. It uses data from existing local health information systems to deliver messages via locally popular communication channels.
Name:  NOÉ
Owner: Rollet
Geographical coverage: Hungary
Description: NOÉ is a booking and patient management system for drive-through virology testing, born in April 2020 in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. It was first implemented in Hungary across 2 commercially operating locations, complete with a full fledged drive-through testing facility and operational solution. 
Name: Open Data Kit (ODK)
Published by/Owner: Get ODK
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description:  ODK is an open source software for mobile data collection with resource-limited settings used to monitor the COVID-19 outbreak. 
Name: OpenMRS Response to COVID-19
Published by/Owner: OpenMRS
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open source medical record system platform for developing countries
Name: Orthanc
Published by/Owner: OSIMIS
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: The Orthanc ecosystem is a free and open-source initiative to deal with interoperability in the field of medical imaging. It helps automate imaging workflow, exchange images with other hospitals through the Internet,  setup decentralized teleradiology solutions, design/train new machine learning algorithms, or deploy AI systems directly in the clinical setup
Name: Piattaforma Covid 19
Published by/Owner:  Developers Italia
Geographical scope: Italy
Description: This COVID-19 management platform is composed of a set of application created to support the real-time process of handling COVID-19 patients in hospitals and care facilities.
Published by/Owner: Sormas
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: SORMAS (Surveillance Outbreak Response Management and Analysis System) is an open source mobile eHealth System that processes disease control and outbreak management procedures in addition to surveillance and early detection of outbreaks through real-time digital surveillance including peripheral health care facilities and laboratories.
NameThe Digital Waiting Room
Published by/Owner: Digitales Wartezimmer
Geographical coverage: Germany
Description: Platform for self-registration of individuals who contacted other individuals who tested positive. The information is forwarded to the health authorities, who will provide information on how to proceed.
Name: Trad19
Published by/Owner: Glide
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description:  Trad19 is an open source pocket translator aimed at facilitating the communication around COVID-19 medical symptoms between doctors and patients throughout the world.

Published by/Owner: UBORA
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: UBORA is an e-infrastructure for co-design open source medical devices compliant with EU standards. The solutions are vetted by expert mentors from industry and academia. 


My Health

NameBook My Vaccine
Published by/Owner: Developer (SwapnilB31)
Geographical coverage: India
Description: Android application that allows users to create alerts on the availability of vaccines based on location, age group and dose.
Name: Canada COVID-19 App 
Published by/Owner: Thrive Health, Health Canada
Geographical coverage: Canada
Description: This app is a central resource for accessing personalized, trusted, evidence-based information about the COVID-19 pandemic.
Name: Ce trebuie să fac (What Should I Do?)
Published by/Owner: Code4Romania
Geographical scope: Romania
Description: Web platform with guides, questionnaires, and decision trees which can help the population understand the current situation and guides them through what steps need to be taken.
Published by/Owner: Data4Life
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open source self-diagnosis application that offers users a questionnaire and follow-up information on how to proceed based on the reported symptoms.
Name: Covid-bot
Published by/Owner: Developer (CSML-by-Clevy), Pasteur Institute and Assistance publique – Hôpitaux de Paris
Geographical coverage: France
Description: Chatbot to help individuals self-diagnose their COVID-19 symptoms. 
Name: COVID-19 Vaccine Finder
Published by/Owner: Developer (GUI)
Geographical scope: USA
Description: Website that provides the top-10 side-effects experienced in accordance with the vaccine administered, age, gender and existing health conditions.
Name:COVID-19 vaccine adverse symptoms predictor
Published by/Owner: Developer (AZYDEVE)
Geographical scope: Worldwide
Description: Updated every minute, the COVID-19 Vaccine Finder aims at providing users with a tool to track down COVID-19 vaccine appointment openings in their local pharmacy. The tool is available in all US States.
NameCOVID-19 Vaccine Tracker
Published by/Owner: Developer (labnol)
Geographical scope: India
Description: Open source tracker that uses the data available in the Indian government's official website and allows users to be sent e-mail notifications on the availability of vaccines, dependent on different criteria (e.g. location, vaccine producer, age group...)
NameCOVID Certificate
Published by/Owner: Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication
Geographical scope: Switzerland
Description: Digital solution that stores and presents COVID certificates issued by vaccination centres, medical practices, hospitals, pharmacies, test centres, and laboratories in Switzerland.
Published by/Owner: Hostolab
Geographical scope: France
Description: Website for registration of citizens interested in being notified by health professionals of unused doses of the COVID-19 vaccine within their area.
NameCovPass app
Published by/Owner: Robert Koch Institute
Geographical scope: Europe
Description: CovPass app is an application allowing citizens to download their EU digital COVID certificates issued by vaccination centres, doctors' practices and pharmacies onto their smartphone and show it if necessary.

Name: Diaspora Hub
Published by/Owner: Code4Romania
Geographical scope: Romania
Description: Platform helping citizens living abroad to collect data about their own health, as well as the health of other family members, and receive guidance and aid. The platform offers points of contact from NGOs and organisations working with Romanian citizens abroad.

NameDocto Shotgun
Published by/Owner: rbignon (Developer)
Geographical scope: France and Germany
Description: Script (sequence of instructions) that helps users automatically book a vaccine slot on the online platform Doctolib.
NameEU Digital Green Certificates
Published by/Owner: European Commission
Geographical scope: Worldwide
Description: Collection of repositories for the EU Digital COVID Certificates (EUDCC) project, which includes the mobile applications, stored generated data from the QR codes, and information for onboarding of participating countries.

Name: Fiipregatit (Be Prepared)
Published by/Owner: Department of Emergency Situations of Romania, developed in cooperation with CivicNet
Geographical coverage: Romania
Description: A national platform, with an associated app, providing regular updates, alerts on the development of COVID-19 and its impacts. 

NameGo Corona QR Code Decoder
Published by/Owner: Developer (stapelberg)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Decoder that allows users to know what information is stored on the QR code used in the EU Digital COVID Certificate (EUDCC).
NameHerd Haven
Published by/Owner: Developer (tt-le)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Website that allows users to register and verify their COVID-19 vaccination to help create a heatmap of herd immunity.
Published by/Owner: guicheffer (Developer)
Geographical coverage: Germany
Description: Telegram and Twitter bot that aggregates and shares open vaccination appointments to help users find available slots in Berlin. 
NameJag Vill Ha Vaccin! (I want vaccine!)
Published by/Owner: Civic Tech Sweden
Geographical coverage: Sweden
Description: Online tool allowing vaccine-eligible citizens to access information on available booking dates and nearest locations to get a COVID-19 vaccine in Sweden, based on the French open source solution ‘Vite Ma Dose’.
Published by/Owner: neXenio GmbH
Geographical coverage: Germany
Description: Mobile application that allows users to virtually check-in into public places or private events and be automatically contacted by the health authorities if a positive case was later detected in the same space or event.
NameNY State COVID-19 Vaccination Site Tracker
Published by/Owner: Developer (99littlebugs)
Geographical coverage: New York
Description: This repository aggregates information on the availability of COVID-19 vaccination appointments around New York City.
NamePathCheck Universal Verifier
Published by/Owner: PathCheck Foundation
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Application that scans QR codes and verifies the validity of COVID-19 passports, credentials or passes.
NameProtect Scotland
Published by/Owner: NHS Scotland
Geographical coverage: Scotland
Description: Protect Scotland is an open source exposure notification app for Scottish citizens, modelled after Ireland's COVID Green App.
Published by/Owner: Developer (fproulx)
Geographical coverage: Canada
Description: Website application that helps decode and verify the authenticity of the vaccination proof QR code provided by the Government of Quebec.

Name: Taiwan pharmacy mask map
Published by/Owner: Developer (christopher0404)
Geographical coverage: Taiwan
Description: Online map with the availability of masks in Taiwanese pharmacies

NameVaccine Doses
Published by/Owner: Developer (FerasDA)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Online tool that provides the user with information on when to take the second COVID-19 vaccine dose, based on vaccine administrated and the guidelines of the United States Centres for Disease Control and Prevention.
Name: Virusafe
Published by/Owner: Scalefocus
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Approved by the Bulgarian government, this app allows users to monitor their symptoms daily and their contacts with infected users, get information on COVID-19 news and best practices.
NameVite Ma Dose (Quick My Dose)
Published by/Owner: Developer (CovidTrackerFr)
Geographical coverage: France
Description: Online tool allowing vaccine-eligible citizens to access information on the available booking dates and nearest locations to get a COVID-19 vaccine in France.  
Name: When Vaccine
Published by/Owner: Developer (leungjch)
Geographical coverage: Ontario, Canada
Description: Web application that provides users with an estimated date for receiving the COVID-19 vaccine, based on the criteria of the government of Ontario.
NameWyszukiwarka wolnych terminów szczepień przeciw COVID-19 (COVID-19 vaccination vacancy search engine)
Published by/Owner: Developer (szczepienia)
Geographical coverage: Poland
Description: Online tool which provides information on the availability of vaccines in different Polish cities and allows users to filter through the different vaccine producers.


Open Source Hardware

Name: Careables
Published by/Owner: Careables
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Careables provides support and expertise in the domain of Open Source Hardware in health and care. The association now focus its activities on collecting, documenting and sharing information and open source solutions to fight COVID-19.
Published by/Owner: Developer (kmetz)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Repository to build a device that notifies users if the CO2 concentration levels within a room risk increased COVID-19 infections. The device can also connect to WI-FI and shares the current readings to other internet-connected devices.
Name: ECos-19: Effective Covid-19 Sterilizer
Published by/Owner: IacoT1
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: ECoS-19 is a Covid-19 sterilizer based on scientific paper results on the effectiveness of sterilization of Covid-19 with UVC rays. This project aims to solve previously encountered problems by building a spiral-shaped air path around the UVC lamp, and a subsequent path along the axis of the lamp, obtaining a long travel time of air as well as the necessary cooling of the lamp.
NameHandheld UVC LED disinfector
Published by/Owner: Developer (MarkC)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: A handheld sanitizing device which uses the highest power germicidal LEDs currently available, paired with lithium ion batteries in a portable footprint. Free of mercury bulbs and RoHS compliant.
NameHerald Hardware
Published by/Owner: The Herald Project
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Repository aiming to provide open source hardware designs that can be used and/or modified by any Public Health Authority (PHA) or NGO working on COVID-19, such as digital contact tracing dedicated wearable or Bluetooth venue beacon hardware as an alternative to manual check-in QR codes for bars or restaurants.
Name: HEV Ventilator
Published by/Owner: CERN
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: CERN proposes the design of a ventilator which can be easily manufactured and integrated into the hospital environment to support COVID-19 patients. The unit is designed to support standard ventilator modes of operation, most importantly PRVC (Pressure Regulated Volume Control) and SIMV-PC (Synchronised Intermittent Mandatory Ventilation) modes.
Published by/Owner: CoVent-19 Challenge
Geographical scope: Worldwide
Description: The CoVent-19 Challenge is a collective meant to create lasting solutions to the ventilator supply crisis made infamous by the COVID-19 pandemic.
Name: L'algorithme D'orientation COVID19
Published by/Owner: French Ministry of Solidarity and Health
Geographical scope: France
Description: L'algorithme D'orientation COVID19 is a referral tool to support residents to determine whether they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19. The tool asks users to respond to a series of questions about their symptoms and provides relevant information and recommendations.
Published by/Owner: Makers for Life
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open source ventilator for patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) that can be mass-produced at a low-cost and has undergone successful clinical trials in France.

NameMechanical Ventilator Milano (MVM)
Published by/Owner: CERN
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: CERN proposes the design of the Mechanical Ventilator Milano (MVM), an electro-mechanical equivalent of the old and reliable Manley Ventilator, and is able to operate in both pressure-controlled and pressure-supported ventilation modes.

NameNASA Open source respirators
Published by/Owner: NASA
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: JPL designed 3D and tested printed respirators to help with the COVID-19 pandemic response. The designs and instructions for three different types of respirators and the resulting detailed test data is published in this repository.
Name: OpenBreath
Published by/Owner: CERN
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: The assisted ventilation device we are developing aims at satisfying two main requirements: constructive speed and simplicity of its components. For this reason, Open Breath lung ventilator exhibits an innovative design, conceived to be quickly built with “off-the-shelf” and low-cost hardware components.
Name: Open Lung Low Resource Ventilator
Published by/Owner: Developers (OpenLung)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open source project to develop an open source ventilator that utilises a bag valve mask as the core component.
Name: Open PCR
Published by/Owner: Open PCR
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: PCR testing device kit from Josh Perfetto and Jessie Ho, is a DIY open source device that uses environmental testing to identify the coronavirus in the field.
NameOpen Source Medical Supplies
Published by/Owner: OSMS
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Platform to inform and connect local makers, manufacturers, organizers, institutions, and the public so local communities can produce their own medical supplies and use them to combat the COVID-19 pandemic and other crises.
NameOpen-Source PPE Designs
Published by/Owner: The Ohio Manufacturers' Alliance
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Repository of open source designs (3D, mold) for face shields, hand sanitizer, face masks, and gowns that are in short supply due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Name: Open Source Ventilator
Published by/Owner: Developers (Colin Keogh,
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open source design project to develop a Field Emergency Ventilator system. All documents are available on GitHub.
Published by/Owner: Developer (PaulKC)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Contactless occupancy counter for public spaces, which can be setup with a browser on a smartphone.
NameProtective shield masks
Published by/Owner: Graz University of Technology
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open source Hardware of protective shield masks. Plastics and 3D-files are directly delivered.
NameRemote infrared thermometer
Published by/Owner:Developer (zeyuan-song0204)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Contactless infrared thermometer system that detects body temperature above 37.5°C and provides a visual and auditory notification to agents controlling the entrance of potentially infected people into public spaces.
Name: Simmel
Published by/Owner: Simmel team
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Simmel is a wearable hardware beacon and scanner which can broadcast and record randomized user IDs. Contacts are stored within the wearable device, so that the user retains full control of your trace history.
Name: Tech for Care
Published by/Owner: Italian Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines and Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition
Geographical coverage: Italy
Description: Tech For Care is an open-source hardware support platform for the current health emergency, jointly developed by I-RIM (Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines) and the association Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition. Tech For Care aims to offer verified and reusable hardware solutions that can be replicated in a variety of local situations. Platform users can register to submit a new solution, share a need for an open source solution or volunteer to help making the objects


Remote work

Name: Avec vous - Linagora
Published by/Owner: LINAGORA & Jaguar Network
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: A video conferencing service, free & opensource, jitsi based, provided for free by for all humans, not-for-profit and companies needing to connect to others during this time of lockdown. Can deal with conferences up to 15/20 persons.
Name: BigBlueButton Open Source Web Conferencing System
Published by/Owner: BigBlueButton
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open source web conferencing system for online learning. 
Published by/Owner: HackMD
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open source and collaborative writing platform, accessible across all browsers via an URL. It includes many tools for text formatting and sharing content (e.g. videos, pdf, code, etc.), as well as a presentation mode.
NameCoronavirus Remote Work Tools
Published by/Owner: Developer (LeBaux)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Repository of useful online tools and software for teleworking (paid and free software, free courses, resources and reading material).
Name: Covintern
Published by/Owner: Wade Fletcher
Geographical coverage: United States
Description: Online platform to find an intership during COVID-19 times
Published by/Owner: The Etherpad Foundation
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Etherpad is a customisable online document editor, providing collaborative editing in real-time. This online tool can be further customise with 290 available plugins.
Published by/Owner: Tomas Lamr
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: HOLDYBOT is a flexible reservation system that helps you to manage office spaces, schedule desk or parking slot reservations and analyse the utilisation of office resources. HOLDYBOT provides a simple user interface that ensures efficient usage by employees.
Name: Jami
Published by/Owner: Savoir-faire Linux
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open source instant messaging system positioning itself as a potential Skype replacement. 
Name: Jitsi Meet Multi-platform Open Source Video Conferencing System
Published by/Owner:
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open source web conferencing system for online learning. 
Name: Linphone
Published by/Owner: Belledonne Communications SARL
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open source instant messaging and voice/video software that makes it possible to communicate freely with people over the internet via voice, video and text messaging. Suitable for conference calls.
Name: Mastodon
Published by/Owner: Developers (Eugen Rochko et al.)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Free, open source software to develop self-hosted social networking services. 
NameOpen Broadcaster Software - OBS Studio (OBS)
Published by/Owner: Developer (dodgepong)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: OBS Studio is a free and open source software designed for capturing, compositing, encoding, recording, and streaming video content.
Published by/Owner: Dominik Niehus
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Free and open source interactive tool which allows peer interaction and audience response. The tool can be used for educational activities or any type of workshop or webinar.  
Name: Riot
Published by/Owner: New Vector Limited
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open source instant messaging that allows end to end encryption, groups, and sharing of files between users. 
Name: Signal
Published by/Owner: Signal Foundation
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open source encrypted messaging service which allows for file sharing and group messages.
Name: Tchap
Published by/Owner:  French government
Geographical coverage: France
Description: Messaging service for communication between government employees and agencies with end-to-end encryption.
Name: Thunderbird
Published by/Owner: Mozilla
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Free and open source email, newsfeed, chat and calendaring client. Easily customisable. 




Published by/Owner: Institute for Disease Modelling
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Website that simulates and offers projections based on different measures such as the closure of schools and universities and contact tracing of diagnosed cases, assessing their impact on the number of COVID-19 infections.
Published by/Owner: Imperial College London
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Code for modelling estimated COVID-19 deaths, based on a study on the effect of the major non-pharmaceutical interventions across 19 countries.

Name: COVID-19 Detection
Published by/Owner: Developer (sydney0zq)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Deep Learning-based Detection for COVID-19 from Chest CT using Weak Label

Name: COVID-19 image data collection & Chester the AI Radiology Assistant
Published by/Owner: Joseph Paul Cohen
Geographical coverage: Canada
Description: Open database of COVID-19 cases with chest X-ray or CT image and web-based prototype system for diagnosing chest X-ray images

Name: COVID-19 Indicators
Published by/Owner: Developer (dirckschumacher)
Geographical coverage: Germany
Description: Epidemiological Indicators of COVID-19

Name:COVID-19 Literature Clustering
Published by/Owner: Developer (MaksimEkin)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Solution for clustering of research articles on COVID-19 that helps health professionals and researchers find relevant and similar articles based on specific keywords.
NameCOVID-19 Scenarios
Published by/Owner: University of Basel
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open source modelling software on COVID-19 outbreak trajectories and hospital demand.
NameCOVID-19 vaccinations in Germany
Published by/Owner: Robert Koch Institute
Geographical coverage: Germany
Description: Repository of various data sources on COVID-19 vaccinations in Germany, merged to be used as a single source of data for the "Digital Vaccination Quota Monitoring" project developed by the Federal Ministry of Health.
Published by/Owner: Developer (boytchev)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Web browser social simulator which offers 133 configuration parameters, included area of the map, number of citizens, mask effectiveness, infection speed and immunity strength.
NameCovid Freeze
Published by/Owner: Developer (kottans)
Geographical coverage: Ukraine
Description: Open source platform gathering data on the state of employment and business success stories during the COVID-19 crisis in Ukraine.
Published by/Owner: Developer (lindawangg)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: COVID-Net is a repository of COVID-19 data models for research purposes. The data models are designed to detect the presence of the virus through the analysis of chest X-ray (CXR) images.

Name: Coronavirus SEIR Model
Published by/Owner: Developer (coronafighter)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: SEIR model Python Script for the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose is to easily be able to experiment and better understand what is happening. 

Name: DataToCare
Published by/Owner: Savics
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Software installed in laboratories that capture COVID-19 test results and patient data, and sends the data to a national server in real-time.

Name: Deep learning coronavirus cure
Published by/Owner: Developer (mattroconnor)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open source software using deep learning to generate novel molecules as candidates for binding with coronavirus protease.

Name: Esri COVID-19 Response Hub
Published by/Owner: ESRI
Geographical scope: Worldwide
Description: Esri provides location intelligence, geographic information system (GIS) and mapping software, services, and materials to help individuals and organisations monitor, manage, and communicate the impact of the outbreak.

Name: FoldingatHome
Published by/Owner: Washington University ST. louis School of Medicine
Geographical scope: Worldwide
Description:  FoldingatHome is an open source solution that allows users to share their computer power to create a supercomputer used to help understand the SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 and develop new therapies by modelling protein molecules.

Name: Next Strain
Published by/Owner: Hadfield et al
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open source project to provide a continually-updated view of publicly available data with powerful analytics and visualizations showing pathogen evolution and epidemic spread.

Name: Open covid19 test
Published by/Owner: Developer (celiavelmar)
Geographical coverage: Spain
Description: A self-assessment test for the open source COVID-19. Uses the same code or principle as but does not store personal data.

Name: OpenELIS Global
Published by/Owner: University of Washington
Geographical coverage: United States
Description: Provides a common code base for low-resource healthcare laboratories around the world. 

NameOpen Safely
Published by/Owner: OpenSAFELY collaborative
Geographical coverage: United Kingdom
Description: Software platform for secure and transparent analysis of electronic health records data of the NHS. The analytical code is published as open source to facilitate the development of reusable, testable, shareable and modular software that can be used in scientific research.

Name: Pfizer Open Source Tools
Published by/Owner: Pfizer
Geographical coverage: United States
Description: Pfizer is committed to making the vital tools they develop available on an open source platform to the broader scientific community and to share the data and learnings gained with other companies in real-time to rapidly advance therapies and vaccines to patients.

NameRegional Risk-Pulse Index - Workstreams
Published by/Owner: Emergent Alliance
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: This repository publishes notebooks created as part of an analysis of the COVID-19 crisis impact on the economy, performed by a team of data scientists from IBM and Rolls-Royce for the Emergent Alliance.
NameSARS-CoV-2 open government data
Published by/Owner: Specialist Unit for Open Government Data Canton of Zurich
Geographical coverage: The Swiss Cantons and the Principality of Liechtenstein
Description: Repository providing open government datasets for SARS-CoV-2 related data reported by the Swiss Cantons and the Principality of Liechtenstein.

Name: SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 Pathway (Homo sapiens)
Published by/Owner: WikiPathways Developers (Egon Willighagen, Chris Evelo, Lauren J. Dupuis)
Geographical coverage: Netherlands
Description: Mapping bio informative pathway information of SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19

NameSARS-CoV-2 Sequencing Resources
Published by/Owner: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Repository of information, documentation, protocols and other resources for public health laboratories intending to sequence COVID-19 samples.
NameSee You Outside
Published by/Owner: Developer (donlelef)  
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Website that provides a visual tool to simulate the consequences of lockdown release policies, based on proven epidemic models.
Published by/Owner: Developer (ryansmcgee)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Removed (SEIR) model that helps research the impact of measures such as social distancing, testing, contact tracing and isolation to combat the COVID-19.

Name: The Community Health Toolkit
Published by/Owner: Volunteer led
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open source technologies and open access design, technical, and implementer resources that help you build and deploy digital tools for community health

Name: The potential impact of COVID-19 among refugees living in camps
Published by/Owner: Infectious Disease Dynamics Group at Johns Hopkins University
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: This repository contains source code for a basic scenario-based approach to understanding the potential impact of COVID-19 after an introduction in a closed setting like a refugee camp. The simulations are based on a simple stochastic SEIR model with the risk of severe disease and death being a function of age.

NameVaccination rates and Socioeconomic Status in BC
Published by/Owner: Developer (racheldunn)
Geographical coverage: British Columbia, Canada
Description: Data analysis assessing the relationship between the socioeconomic status of citizens and vaccination rates, from five health authorities in British Columbia.

Name: 2019 novel coronavirus repository
Published by/Owner: MIDAS Coordination Center
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Online portal for COVID-19 modelling research




Name: Anpas Initiatives Mapping
Published by/Owner: Anpas Association
Geographical coverage: Italy
Description: The Italian Anpas association isusing the Ushahidi open source powered platform to map people in need of resources and volunteers available in the region to ensure that people can safely stay indoors and still obtain the much-needed resources. 
Name: COVID-19 Open-Source Digital Toolkit
Published by/Owner: Global Centre for Technology, Innovation and Sustainable Development
Geographical scope: Worldwide
Description: Repository of open source tools in response to the COVID-19 pandemic for Disease Monitoring, Prevention and Containment, Diagnosis and Recovery.
Name: COVID-19 Remote Work and Study Resources
Published by/Owner: Developer (HankiDesign)
Geographical coverage: Switzerland
Description: Free services, tools, articles and other resources for remote workers and distance learners.
Name: COVID-19 Ventilator Projects
Published by/Owner: Developer (PubInv)
Geographical coverage: United States
Description: An analyzed list of projects to make emergency ventilators in response to COVID-19, focusing on free-libre open source
Name: European (EEA + CH + UK) Contact-Tracing Apps for Android
Published by/Owner: rawmain (GitHub contributor)
Geographical scope: Europe
Description: Repository of European contact tracing apps that were released, recognised or are under development by national public organisations.
Name: GOV.UK Notify
Published by/Owner: Government Digital Service
Geographical scope: UK
Description: GOV.UK Notify is an API built to enable the automated sending of texts, messages or emails.
NameKMU vs. Corona
Published by/Owner: Developer (Leloq)
Geographical scope: Germany
Description: The KMU vs. Corona platform provides sector-specific and problem-specific knowledge and solution approaches for German SMEs. The platform identified the major challenges faced SMEs as a consequence of the COVID-19 crisis, as well as potential solutions. KMU Vs. Corona maps solutions for each of the identified problem. 
Name: OpenCovid19 Initiative
Published by/Owner: Just One Giant Lab
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: The goal of the OpenCovid19 initiative as a program is to collectively develop open-source and low-cost tools and methodologies that are safe and easy to use to fight the Covid19 Pandemic. 
Name: Resto A Casa
Published by/Owner: Volunteer led
Geographical coverage: Italy
Description: A platform providing resources/services for home shopping, information on the spread of the virus, means to donate, and other needs related to COVID-19 in Italy. 

Name: RoHelp
Published by/Owner: Code4Romania
Geographical scope: Romania
Description: Ro Help is a platform meant to help NGOs during an emergency situation. The NGOs can ask for donations, resources or volunteers, and users can browse the needs that various NGOs have.

Name: Știri oficiale (Official News)
Published by/Owner: Code4Romaina
Geographical scope: Romania
Description: Platform which centralises all the official press releases, press conferences and decisions of the Committee for Special Emergency Situations in Romania
Name: Tech for Care
Published by/Owner: Italian Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines and Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition
Geographical coverage: Italy
Description: Tech For Care is an open-source hardware support platform for the current health emergency, jointly developed by I-RIM (Institute for Robotics and Intelligent Machines) and the association Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition. Tech For Care aims to offer verified and reusable hardware solutions that can be replicated in a variety of local situations. Platform users can register to submit a new solution, share a need for an open source solution or volunteer to help making the objects
Name: The Community Health Toolkit
Published by/Owner: Volunteer led
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open source technologies and open access design, technical, and implementer resources that help you build and deploy digital tools for community health


Updated data on the outbreak

Name: Corona Helden app
Published by/Owner: DevPost
Geographical coverage: Germany
Description: Open source app to exchange information on the availability of medical staff and equipment in Germany.

Published by/Owner: Developer (mhdhejazi)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Worldwide COVID-19 tracker application for iOS & macOS, including visual representations as maps and charts.
NameCoronavirus Tracker API for Greece
Published by/Owner: Developer (AlexDelitzas)
Geographical coverage: Greece
Description: Open source API for tracking the COVID-19 outbreak in Greece.
Published by/Owner: Developer (webgang)
Geographical coverage: Belgium
Description: Visualisation tool monitoring the evolution of the number of people hospitalised in each Belgian region, province or municipality due to COVID-19.
NameCOVID-19 Coronavirus Disease Spread Time Series Analysis
Published by/Owner:  Developer (entorb)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Web page focused on presenting a collection of updated charts and analysis on the COVID-19 outbreak in German regions and other selected countries and derive trends for the future based on previous attained data. 
NameCovid-19 data kit
Published by/Owner: Developer (tavuong)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: The repository hosts a development kit for Covid-Data Analysis and Visualization. Users could develop their own model in and presentation in
Published by/Owner: Developer (dlippold)
Geographical coverage: Germany
Description: Daily statistics and related programs to illustrate the spread of COVID-19 in Germany. 
NameCOVID-19 Forecaster Web App
Published by/Owner: Developer (mdipietro09)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Web application presenting the COVID-19 data forecast for the next 30 days.
NameCovid-19 Germany incidence graph
Published by/Owner: Developer (ComanderKai77)
Geographical coverage: Germany
Description: Graphic illustrations of the evolution of COVID-19 data for all German cities.
Published by/Owner: Developer (Trinityyi)
Geographical coverage: Greece
Description: Open source website acting as a data visualisation tool on the spread of COVID-19 in Greece.
NameCOVID-19 Sledilnik
Published by/Owner: Luka Renko
Geographical coverage: Slovenia
Description: COVID-19 Tracker Slovenia is an open source website that collects, analyses, and publishes data on the spread of COVID-19 in Slovenia.

Name: COVID-19 Tracker CLI
Published by/Owner: Developer (wareneutron)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open-source NodeJS application for command-line interface to track COVID-19 cases around the world.

NameCOVID-19 Vaccination Tracker
Published by/Owner: dabalyan (Developer)
Geographical scope: Worldwide
Description: Website displaying data on the global vaccination progress and projections dates based on the daily vaccination rate of different countries and the world.
NameCovid 3D
Published by/Owner: Developer (wobsoriano)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Interactive 3D visualisation tool of the COVID-19 outbreak, illustrating data globally, by country and chronologically.
Name: Covidcheck
Published by/Owner: Developer (julianschiavo)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Open sourced app allowing people to track COVID-19 cases.
Name: Covid-France
Published by/Owner: Developer (thomasdubdub)
Geographical coverage: France
Description: Covid-France provides a visualisation tool monitoring the evolution of the number of people hospitalised in each French department due to COVID-19.
NameCovid Italy - Czechia
Published by/Owner: Developer (Kharianne)
Geographical coverage: Czechia
Description: Repository of data on COVID-19 (number of deaths and confirmed cases) in Czechia, compared to data from other European countries. 
NameCovid Notebooks
Published by/Owner: IBM’s Centre for Open-Source Data and AI Technologies
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: The repository provides a set of Jupyter Notebooks that augment and analyze COVID-19 time series data.
Published by/Owner:cEvo (Computational Evolution group of ETH Zurich)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Website that presents the number of detected COVID-19 cases throughout time and information on the demographics and hospitalisation rates, according to the different known variants.

Name: Cuidarnos by CoTrack
Published by/Owner: Government of Argentina (developed by CoTrack team)
Geographical coverage: Argentina
Description: CoTrack, an interactive open source application, provides information on the symptoms of the virus, a possibility to self-test and to view a currently updated map providing an overview of the virus' spread in Argentina. 

Name: Date la zi (Daily Data)
Owner: Code4Romania
Geographical scope: Romania
Description: Data Visualisation system using data from the cases database and transforming it into information understandable by the large public. Adapted for all devices.
NameEuropean Covid-19 Forecast Hub
Owner: London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and European Centre for Disease Control and Prevention
Geographical scope: Europe
Description: Website presenting and combining short-term forecasts for confirmed cases and deaths from COVID-19 across Europe, displaying different prediction intervals and allowing the user to filter the information by country.
Published by/Owner: Developer (hungrxyz)
Geographical coverage: The Netherlands
Description: Mobile application for the latest COVID-19 numbers in the Netherlands, which includes information on the hospital occupancy, mortality/survival rate as well as a watchlist for certain regions selected by the user.
Nameimpfdashboard Scriptable Widget
Published by/Owner: Developer (DerLobi)
Geographical coverage: Germany
Description: iOS widget that displays the COVID-19 vaccination progress in Germany, based on official data provided by the Federal Ministry of Health.
NameInteractive cockpits for COVID-19 data
Published by/Owner: Knowage Labs
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: Interactive cockpits to visualize and analyse COVID opendata.
Published by/Owner: Open Knowledge Estonia
Geographical coverage: Estonia
Description: Dashboard displaying updated data on the COVID-19 outbreak in Estonia, such as statistics on confirmed cases, hospitalisations, deaths, hospital discharges and testing. 
Name: MonitorEc Map
Published by/Owner: @JuanMnl
Geographical coverage: Ecuador
Description: An interactive open source map and stats website providing key information about the spread of the virus in Ecuador
Name: Open Data Kit (ODK)
Published by/Owner: Get ODK
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description:  ODK is an open source software for mobile data collection with resource-limited settings used to monitor the COVID-19 outbreak.
NamePandemieende (End of pandemic)
Published by/Owner: Developer (McPringle)
Geographical coverage: Switzerland and Liechtenstein
Description: Webpage that calculates the foreseeable date to reach herd immunity of 80% of the population in Switzerland and Liechtenstein, based on the vaccination rate of the previous 14 days.
Name: Prioritisation of COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery
Published by/Owner: Team TechHD
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: The Priorititisation of COVID-19 Vaccine Delivery aims to help governments officials make informed decisions during the COVID-19 vaccination rollout, by considering aspects such as active cases, amount of health workers at the local level, hospital bed capacity and infrastructure accessibility.
NameVacinação COVID-19 (COVID-19 vaccination)
Published by/Owner: Developer (alicescfernandes)
Geographical coverage: Portugal
Description: Webpage displaying the Portuguese vaccination plan and progress, with data on the administration of vaccines doses by region and its distribution by vaccine producer and age group. 
Name: WHOcovid
Published by/Owner: Developer (gibello)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: This repository provides the extracted CSV data (starting from march 1, 2020) from the World Health Organisation, as well as the parser source code.



Name: COVID-19 telehealth clinic
Published by/Owner: Volunteers
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: This website is an online platform to get help with COVID-19 if one doesn't have access to a doctor. Video chat with volunteers who can answer all questions
Name: Helpcovid
Published by/Owner: Developer (Basile Starynkevitch)
Geographical coverage: Worldwide
Description: a C++ web application (GPLv3+, Linux) to organize people helping other neighbours in COVID-19 pandemics