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China uses heat sensing technology and AI to identify feverish people within a crowd

China have used AI in combination with heat sensing technology to identify in real-time people in crowds with elevated body temperatures, thus allowing them to isolate people in crowds with a fever, and reducing the exposure of medical professionals to the public by using machines.

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Real-time data collection, sharing, and analysis, Health and safety of responders
Wuhan uses unmanned delivery drones to deliver medical and biological supplies.

China is using unmaned delivery drones to deliver medical and biological materials to hospitals around Wuhan. The vehicles, created by JD Logistics, are unmanned, thus reducing the person-to-person contact times and freeing up other logistical resources.

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Resource management and mobilisation, Health and safety of responders
Hubei creates unmanned 'epidemic supermarket' in 5 hours

A special 'epidemic supermarket' has been created by the teams Hubei Zhongbai Storage and Taoxianda (Ali) in less than 5 hours, which is completely unmanned - no shop assistants, cashiers, or even people re-shelving. This allows far reduced human contact in day to day life, reducing the transmission of the virus.

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Public service delivery under new circumstances