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MOA-ID 3.4.0 Switch to the latest release

Published on: 16/07/2018 Last update: 14/11/2022

Modules for Online Applications (MOA) are a set of software tools which provide implementation and integration support for the functions and procedures mandated by the Austrian e-Government strategy. The MOA components within this project provided the support for functions such as creation and verification of electronic signatures, and identification and authentication of citizens in online procedures.

MOA-ID is used for identification.
Updated Features

  •     Changes
    •         Support for user authentication by using a central national eIDAS-Connector  
    •         New GUI templates for eIDAS integration                                                            
    •         Module to restrict the authentication process for specific users
    •         Support for user authentication on mobile devices (Beta)
    •         Update of third-party libraries         
  •     Bug fixes
    •         Bugfix - Solve problems with postgreSQL databases

Release package ""

SHA1 checksum: b729fe496954b70f7ef42af6904a4282cec95de4

Alternative Download


Additional information

Additional information on integration of the centrial national eIDAS-Connector into existing service providers and online applications are located here.

Last update: 22/10/2019

MOA-ID-Auth Framework 3.4.0

European Union Public Licence, Version 1.1 or later (EUPL)