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MOA-ID - E-ID Proxy 4.1.3 Switch to the latest release

Published on: 31/08/2020 Last update: 14/11/2022

Modules for Online Applications (MOA) are software tools that provide implementation and integration support for the functions and procedures mandated by the Austrian e-Government strategy. The MOA-ID component within this project provided the support for identification and authentication of citizens in online processes by using the Austrian E-ID.

MOA-ID 4.1.3 features the E-ID Proxy functionality to connect SAML1 applications to Austrian central E-ID system and provides identification and authentication based on citizen-cards, mobile-phone signature, or eIDAS.


  • fix SSRF problem on SAML1 request parameter
  • Update of third-party libraries         


Release package ""

SHA1 checksum: ae39f69a68e8712b8af038bdea989d59579f9833


Last update: 31/08/2020

MOA-ID - E-ID Proxy 4.1.3

European Union Public Licence, Version 1.2 or later (EUPL)