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MOA-SPSS 3.2.3 Latest release

Published on: 25/01/2024

Since MOA-SPSS 3.1.x most of the underlying signature verification libraries were exchanged to support form validation of CAdES, XAdES, PAdES and ASiC signatures with MOA-SPSS. The certificate store format is different from version 3.0.0 onwards, but is automatically converted to the new format. In case of a failed update, administrators should create a backup of the currently used certificate store.

Changes from 3.2.2 to 3.2.3:

  • Bugfix
    • Possible TLS connection if CHACHA20-POLY1305 was used
  • Third-party lib's for keystore communication by using PKCS11
  • Third-party lib's updated


Release package:

   "": SHA256 checksum: c546cf9f0c8e0bfedf9c1e2c7f9c0880bd48df4083e18fc5230b38d4d254c0f9
   "": SHA256 checksum: 67aaae77e10d69486f322a28ea78dfb5d16df8dde47efb7b4fa8e793ddccd333
   "": SHA256 checksum: 56d0b429e27d5b0e682ee0667038c9b528f54c0ccee6a52b5bc4f70bdc05f282
