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HR: Strategy for the development of eGovernment 2009-2012

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 22/01/2009 Last update: 08/11/2010 Document Archived

Description (short summary):  
The document is intended to lay down the foundations for the building of modern, transparent, efficient and streamlined public services for citizens. Its purpose is to put public services online in order to make them more accessible to end-users. In the first stage of implementation, the following actions will be taken:

  • Assessment of the current information systems, communication networks and eGovernment services;
  • Implementation of the first pilot projects;
  • Definition of a single methodology and standards for the functioning of the various segments of eGovernment.

In the second implementation stage of the strategy: 

  • The public authorities will have at their disposal a complete ICT infrastructure enabling them to communicate with each other in a unified environment.
  • It will be possible to make an interactive use of eGovernment services through all available communication channels.
  • Continuous education and information will be provided to those civil servants involved in the process of building eGovernment in Croatia, as well as to the users of eGovernment services.  

Number of pages: 35 

Related ePractice news article:
HR: eGovernment Development Strategy 2009-2012 adopted

Nature of documentation: Policy/Strategy papers


Type of document