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IE: eGovernment Strategy 2012-2015

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 12/04/2012 Last update: 02/05/2012 Document Archived

Description (short summary):
The Programme for Government and the Public Service Reform Plan highlight Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) as key enablers to delivering improved public services. Implementation of the ICT elements of the Programme and the Reform Plan will ensure a strong focus on the customer and that better and more innovative use is made of technology to improve the customer experience.

To progress these, the Centre for Management and Organisation Development of the Department of Public Expenditure (CMOD), working with the Public Service CIO Council, is to develop a series of policy documents. This present document is the first of the series. It identifies a number of priority action areas for Public Bodies which are intended to enhance public service delivery; ensure that citizens and businesses have ease of access to a range of services through multiple channels; improve data sharing across Public Service organisations; and, develop a more integrated approach.

The five key principles of eGovernment 2012-2015 are:

    1. The needs of citizens and businesses are at the centre of eGovernment.
    2. Public services should be delivered through the most appropriate channels.
    3. eGovernment should reduce the administrative burden for citizens and businesses.
    4. eGovernment projects should reflect Business Process Improvements, delivering demonstrable efficiency, effectiveness and Value for Money gains.
    5. Public Bodies should work to ensure that the online channel is the most attractive option for customers.

eGovernment 2012-2015 contains 44 actions across eight key priority areas which will ensure that the progress already achieved will continue and that Ireland will be in a position to benefit from the opportunities offered by existing and emerging technologies. A 45th action sets out the governance arrangements to ensure that progress with eGovernment plans is appropriately monitored.

By the end of 2013 a series of projects will be assessed to see if they are suitable for electronic delivery and where appropriate implemented.

Number of pages: 33

Related ePractice news article:
IE: 'Supporting Public Service Reform - eGovernment 2012-2015' published

Description of license: N/A

Nature of documentation: Policy/Strategy papers


Type of document