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Online vehicle registration (WebDIV)

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 07/06/2007 Document Archived

WebDIV is an IT application developed by the Mobility and Transport Federal Public Service enabling insurance companies, agents, brokers and leasing companies to register their clients’ cars online. The administration’s aim is to improve the services offered to DIV (vehicle registration) clients. WebDIV is now enjoying success all over the country.

Policy Context

- Mobility and transport in Belgium: Royal Decree of 18 March 2003: "Royal Decree modifying the Royal Decree of 20 July 2001 on vehicle registration". This decree outlines the framework for vehicle registration through the electronic communication network. General Policy Document by the Minister for Mobility Doc 51 2706 (2006/2007) of 31 October 2006: this document insists in chapter 4.2.6 regarding the Business Project Reengineering program, on the need for a more thorough client orientated approach, in this case through WebDIV. - eGovernment in Belgium: Policy document drafted by the Minister for Civil Service, Social Integration, Urban Policy and Equal Opportunities in charge of Interculturality. Doc 51 2706/009 of 31 October 2006: this document indicates the need to develop the electronic government as witnessed in the following excerpt: “New technologies will play a multifunctional role when establishing the modernisation of the federal administration: 1 They are a response to the concerns for the efficacy and efficiency of administrative procedures, thanks to the automation of these procedures that is made possible by these new technologies. This dimension is essential for the improvement of the “back office”, i.e. the compilation of administrative procedure containing the performance of the public services. 2 They favour transparency and permit a bigger and structured access to administrations through the introduction of “front offices” (virtual counters), i.e. web platforms for information and interaction towards citizens and enterprises.” - eGovernment in Europe: "i2010 – A European Information Society for growth and employment" launched on 1 June 2005, especially concerning inclusion and improvement of public services and the quality of life.

Description of target users and groups

WebDIV clients are: - 30 of the 31 Belgian insurance companies approved by the Banking, Finance and Insurance Commission (CBFA) for motor vehicles (10a) use WebDIV. This equals 97%. - 3464 of the (approx.) 5895 brokers and insurance agents approved by the CBFA for motor vehicles (10a) use WebDIV. This equals 59%. - 49 of the 50 Belgian leasing companies (so 98%) use WebDIV.

Description of the way to implement the initiative

WebDIV is based on a partnership between the public administration and the private sector concerned, i.e. insurance companies and brokers, as well as leasing companies. These different users sign a protocol for the use of WebDIV: - either directly with DIV Ethias: Les Assurances fédérales: d'Ieteren leasing: Belgacom: Generali: LAPDVV: PSA Finances (leasing Citroën-Peugeot): Fortis: Corona: Amma: Kbc: Fidea: Nationale Suisse: Dexia: - or through an IT platform used for data exchange, which is absolutely necessary in this field. Users wishing to utilise these platforms do not need to make any changes to their IT infrastructure. They simply need to surf to the website of one of the two platforms, namely: Portima: Impact Multimedia: In any case, the company which developed the IT application for the Mobility and Transport Public Service offers assistance, support and maintenance. The company concerned is CSC: Multi-channel issues: Before the launch of WebDIV, registration applications could only be submitted to DIV by post or at the counter (a central counter in Brussels and branches in 11 locations around the country). Applications by post offer the following disadvantages: a delay of a few days due to postal delivery and internal processing. Moreover, postal items can get lost, thus prolonging procedures. Applications at the counter offer the following disadvantages: the necessity to travel to an office, which could be located far away from home, only during opening hours (office hours) and often the need to wait more than one hour at the counter. Sometimes the applicant realises too late that (s)he does not have all necessary documents and needs to return later on. Since the launch of WebDIV in May 2002, the traditional registration channels have remained in use, but online registration has become more popular thanks to its numerous advantages (see 2.5). However, WebDIV does not offer all types of registrations. In general, vehicles, which have not been pre-registered, such as imported vehicles, cannot be registered online. Applications for uncommon number plates (e.g. diplomatic and commercial number plates) and registration of vehicles bearing such number plates require additional documents in annex (e.g. for a transfer of number plates between relatives), which need to be sent by post or handed in at the counter. Nevertheless, the Mobility and Transport Federal Public Service is continually seeking to extend the online registration possibilities offered by WebDIV, while making sure that in doing so European regulations and guidelines are followed. In this context we envisage the treatment of registrations of second hand motor bikes and commercial licence plates (dealers and trials) through the WebDIV application in the not so distant future.

Main results, benefits and impacts

Quantitative evidence: - The vast majority of DIV clients have adopted WebDIV: 98% of leasing companies, 71% of insurance companies and 59% of brokers. - WebDIV has been the leading vehicle registration method in Belgium since January 2006 (for that month, 36% of registrations were done by WebDIV, compared to 33% over the counter en 31% through the mail) and continues to grow. In April 2007 47% of vehicle registration applications were submitted online (in comparison with 34% at the counter and 19% by post). - In 2003: 115,355 registrations through WebDIV on a total of 1,504,404 registrations, or 7.67% - In 2004: 254,454 registrations through WebDIV on a total of 1,565,340 registrations, or 16.26% - In 2005: 437,093 registrations through WebDIV on a total of 1,557,679 registrations, or 28.06% - In 2006: 666,779 registrations through WebDIV on a total of 1,721,276 registrations, or 38.74% Qualitative evidence: - A radical simplification of administrative procedures: one visit to an insurance company or broker suffices to purchase one’s insurance policy covering civil liability and to register one’s vehicle. - Multiple accesses to vehicle registration services at a local level. - The number plates and registration certificate are sent to the applicant by post within 24 hours. - WebDIV offers complementary services, such as consultation of number plate status, characteristics of approval records, motivations for rejected pre-registrations and status of applications. WebDIV is a revolutionary service in the sector of vehicle registration that combines simplified administrative procedures with a highly efficient civil service. Innovation: Thanks to the pre-registration of vehicles (both new and used), DIV created an application that allows online consultation of multiple databases containing information on: - vehicles, identifiable by their pre-registered chassis number - registration applicants, identifiable through their social security number - civil liability coverage of the vehicle, through an electronic signal sent out by the insurance company covering the risk. The application allows users to verify data validity at any stage of the procedure, which ensures a very high security level. WebDIV users are required to confirm all elements displayed and subsequently register their client’s application. WebDIV offers numerous revolutionary advantages in the field of vehicle registration: - No queues at the counter - No documents to be posted - The number plates and registration certificate are sent to the applicant by post within 24 hours - Applications through WebDIV can be submitted from Monday to Saturday from 7 :00 to 23:00 - Successful applications are instantly confirmed - The new number plates are instantly displayed - WebDIV is an easy-to-use application - Online assistance is available through the DIV helpdesk

Return on investment

Return on investment: Not applicable / Not available

Track record of sharing

At the end of 2006, the FPS Mobility and Transport communicated to all members of the Ereg (association of registration organisations of the different member states) a presentation of WebDIV. At this point in time there has not been a meeting where the registration through internet was put forward.

Lessons learnt

1 Apart from the numerous advantages for citizens and clients, the simplified administrative procedures for vehicle registration considerably increase the efficiency of our Federal Public Service and encourage us to introduce online services in other departments. 2 The public-private partnership offers a very dynamic platform and a source for constant development 3 The Federal Public Service realised that a client-orientated approach was fundamental in the improvement of its services. WebDIV has a catalysing effect on other improvement projects within the organisation.

Scope: National