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Piemonte Telematic Municipal Notice Board (ALPT)

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Published on: 07/06/2007 Document Archived
The service is aimed at those Administrations that wish to give evidence of their deeds to citizens and enterprises, following the directives of the new Digital Administration Code on citizens and enterprises right to use technologies, access administrative documents and administrative transparency. The service makes it possible for the PA institutions to manage the publishing of administrative and regulatory deeds that according to the existing regulations have to be made known and consultable for the citizens. The initiative involves the Piedmont Region and the institutions of the Piedmont PA, as well as citizens and enterprises as users. It led to the adoption of a single managing and consulting system for the deeds of the 1,206 Piedmont Municipalities and all the Piedmont PA institutions.

Policy Context

The project falls within the scope of the E-democracy initiatives, from the point of view of transparency and citizen participation to the decisions of the Public Administration. The service favours transparency of the institutional activity of the institution towards all the citizens and enterprises interested in knowing the administrative and regulatory deeds issued by the Local Public Administration. The Telematic Municipal Notice Board, hence, deals with an issue that is of the essence for the democratic process: transparency of the activities of the Public Administration and the possibility, for every citizen and enterprise, to access the different phases of the institutions activities. Thanks to the telematic technologies the citizen-user is no longer a passive subject that simply receives information whose quantity and means of transmission are chosen by others, as he or she can interact with the institutions both choosing the information and directly expressing his or her opinions. For this reason the projects support the the eGovernment policy (eDemocracy is seen as an integral part of it) as a mean to enable better government, i.e. better governance in the sense of: · Openness and transparency: governments that are understandable and accountable to the citizens, open to democratic involvement and scrutiny)

Description of target users and groups

Citizen/Civil society: they use the system to consult the deeds produced by the PA institutions. Administrative: the system is used to publish the deeds and to consult the deeds produced by the other PA institutions. All the municipalities and provinces of the Piedmont region are potential users. Intermediaries: Instrumental institutions such as Aipo (Po River interregional agency) and ARPA (Regional Agency for Environmental Protection) and other forms of associations (associations of municipalities that have the same statute) use the system to publish the deeds and to consult the deeds produced by the other PA institutions. Business(industry)/Business(SMEs): they consult the system to know the choices adopted by the different PAs for administrative/regulatory deeds.

Description of the way to implement the initiative

The project was set up in compliance with the ProCsi methodology adopted by CSI, and therefore it is a project that satisfies the requirements of the institution certifying CSI project quality, as CSI is ISO 9001 compliant. Any modification or new requirement was adequately traced and transcribed into the official analysis documents in compliance with the adopted methodology. The project is in line with the main technological innovations: the service runs on a web-java architecture on a BEA platform, and the workstations do not require particular software or requirements to access the service. Multi-channel issues: The on-line channels used to issue the service are the following: · Rupar Piemonte: that is the single network of the Piedmont Public Administration, used by the institutions that want to publish their deeds · Internet: for the access and consultation component of the deeds published on the Municipal Notice Board for the citizens

Main results, benefits and impacts

The project is an initiative of the Piedmont Region in favour, and its use is free, of all the institutions of the Piedmont PA – 1,206 municipalities, 8 provinces – and of the Piedmont citizens that are around 4.5 million. And this would lead to a high return on investment. A considerable qualitative added value is the creation of a single “container” in which all the institutions participating in the initiative can file the deeds they produce and simultaneously all the abovementioned subjects can access and consult them. The service is an effective communication tool between PA and its users, by satisfying the citizens and enterprise information needs. In this context, the impact can be measured on: · PA cost reduction, by re-using the consultation service · PA staff time reduction related to information collection (thanks to an effective and organised information access) · Enhancement of internal and external communication related to legislative acts · Reduction of paper documents · Input to the dissemination of legislative acts and transparency Innovation: It is a highly innovative service. Indeed there is no similar service in Italy, that makes it possible, through a single access point, to consult the deeds of all the institutions that take part to the initiative. In addition, in the frame of paper document reduction, the system enables to manage the entire decision making process through digital channels; within this process the legislative acts publication represents the final output of a structured decision making process.

Return on investment

Return on investment: Not applicable / Not available

Track record of sharing

The following activities have been carried: · Comparisons and contrasts with other administrations based in Piedmont to understand the development and the usefulness of the service in other realities · Events in the PA offices with demos on how to use the system to highlight the usefulness of the service · Analysis of the main consultation website of PA based in Piedmont Region, in order to collect accessibility and transparency information able to add value to the service · Benchmark of existing market solution

Lessons learnt

The following activities have been carried out to define the service ant that can be learned: · Establishing contacts with the municipalities of the Public Administration to share the usefulness and the need to have one such service is essential · Making comparisons and contrasts with the other market solutions to manage administrative deeds to share with them the usefulness of having a single repository in which all the deeds produced by the different institutions are stored Scope: Local (city or municipality), Regional (sub-national)