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Tourist information integrated system in Granada (Turgranada)

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Published on: 20/07/2006 Document Archived
Turgranada, Electronic Information Integrated System on Tourism in Granada (Spain), created by the Provincial tourist board of Granada , an autonomous body of the provincial government (Diputación Provincial). From 1982, the provincial Administration of Granada has a body specialized in the tourist promotion of both, the city and the province of Granada. The Body is called Patronato Provincial de Turismo and its Governing Body is composed of: the Regional Administration and the provincial town and city councils of Granada. Apart from the public Administration, all the private corporations dedicated to the tourist industry: Tourist teaching centres, universities, the Alhambra, Sierra Nevada, trade unions, etc are represented in the Governing Body. The tourist promotion of Granada is financed and carried out in cooperation with public and private institutions. Now, a new electronic system on information and participation has been created in the way of a new web page considered to be eService. It will gradually allow the interactive participation on the international level, in Spanish, English, French, German and Italian, and a reduced version of the web itself in Portuguese, Russian, Chinese and Japanese, as well as other languages of Spain: Galician, Catalan and Basque. The unification of the tourist information and management of Granada is pretended with this system, with access to everybody, even visually and motor disabled people, etc.

Main results, benefits and impacts

At the end of 2006 or beginning of 2007 an evaluation period is planned

Return on investment

Return on investment: Not applicable / Not available

Lessons learnt

Turgranada is a site on which not only monuments or tourist establishments can be found but also the cultural history of Granada and the province; moreover, the tourist is given usefull information when planning a trip. Turgranada reaches a long experience of collaboration between the Administration and the private sector to promote the tourism. This experience may be applicable to other countries.