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2023 Technical Support Instrument Conference

Published on: 26/04/2023 Event

We are very pleased to invite you to participate at the upcoming 2023 Technical Support Instrument Conference (May 12th, 2023 between 09:30 and 13:00 Brussels time). The conference will officially launch the 2024 round of the Technical Support Instrument, which is one of the main instruments of the European Commission for supporting Member States in the design and implementation of structural reforms.

The conference will present the main features of the Technical Support Instrument and will highlight its priorities for the upcoming year. It will unveil the list of flagship projects the Commission will propose to Member States for support. The conference will also discuss the reform needs for Public Administrations to be fit for the future and adaptable to change and explore how the Technical Support Instrument can support the Member States in this endeavour.

The conference will gather high-level representatives from the European Commission, other EU and International Institutions and Member States. Your contribution would bring added-value to the conference as we expect a lively discussion on the basis of questions and comments to be received from the participants.

You will find in the following link 2023 Technical Support Instrument Annual Conference, the preliminary agenda of the Conference for your consideration.

The event will be streamed online and instructions on registration, attendance and participation will follow in the coming days.

2023 Technical Support Instrument Conference


Physical location