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Denmark pre-selects suppliers for next-generation eID

eIDAS ready

Published on: 09/02/2018 News Archived

Denmark has pre-selected four possible suppliers for MitID, its next-generation eID smartcard solution. The four will be invited to submit proposals. If all goes as planned, a contract will be signed in February next year and MitID should be operational around the summer of 2020.

The specifications and requirements for MitID (“My eID”) were created by the Danish Agency for Digitisation (Digitaliseringsstyrelsen - DIGST) and Finans Danmark, a trade group of banks and finance firms.

MitID is to be built on a single common identity core, DIGST explains in a white paper published in November. “This core may be used by public players as well as financial institutions and other private service providers with a need for secure digital personal identities.”

The new approach will replace two identification and authentication solutions currently used in Denmark. The NemID (“Easy ID”) system has been in use since 2010. It offers one schema for banking and a second, public-key, solution for accessing eGovernment services.

Denmark wants MitID to be recognised across the EU, demanding that the system will live up to the eIDAS Regulation's assurance levels.

A timeline, showing the planning of MitID

According to DIGST, between 10 and 15 companies were interested in submitting proposals. The four pre-selected suppliers were chosen for their competence and experience. “The partnership behind MitID makes high demands for good reasons when it comes to innovation and future-proofing as well as the stability and safety of the solution,” DIGST said in an announcement.

More information:

Aanouncement by DIGST
Aanouncement by DIGST (in Danish)
The future infrastructure for digital identities in Denmark (PDF)