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FI: Tax Administration's payroll service now connected to the Citizen's account

FI: Tax Administration's payr…

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 06/04/2012 News Archived is a free Internet application maintained by the Finnish Tax Administration and pension insurance corporations for employees; it is especially designed for small businesses, associations, organisations and households. calculates net wages for employees, payroll tax (i.e. a tax an employer withholds and/or pays on behalf of their employees based on their wage or salary), social security fees paid to the Tax Administration, and retirement fees paid to pension insurance corporations for employees. Furthermore, the service generates salary slips for employees as well as mandatory reports (monthly, annual and other reports) for the Tax Administration and the pension insurance corporations.  

The aim of the Citizen's account is to store electronically and in one place all of a citizen's communications with public authorities. For those services linked to the Citizen's account, account holders can: view the status of their dealings with the public authorities; receive official decisions and notifications that concern them in electronic format; send digital documents to authorities; and manage their own electronic contact information. The creation of a citizen's account is voluntary and its use free of charge; identification is done using either personal online bank identifiers or an electronic certificate card.  

The project to link with the citizen's account is one among a set of projects launched in the autumn of 2011. Following their implementation, the Employment and Economic Development Offices, the Local Register Offices and the city of Vantaa were also connected to the citizen's account. Similar projects are currently running, and the following services should also be linked to the citizen's account during March 2012: 

  • The enterprise resource planning and document management system of the Ruskeasuo School, which is under the authority of the Finnish National Board of Education (FNBE);
  • The municipality of Sipoo and the eSipoo service;
  • The case management system of Kirkkonummi municipality.  

A project which is expected to significantly boost the use of the citizen's account is that launched in January 2012 which is aimed at making the Citizen's account a channel to the electronic services of the Police; the aim is to have the first eService available for use in January 2013. 

In addition, a study has been launched to explore the feasibility of a project to connect the citizen's account to the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusiima (HUS), the Finnish Student Health Service, and the State Treasury. The study will take both primary and specialised healthcare needs into account, as well as the relevant legal limitations, e.g. data protection provisions. It is financed by the Finnish Innovation Fund (Sitra), and its results will be delivered in March 2012.  

Background information 

The Citizen's account is part of the eServices and eDemocracy project (SADe) of the Ministry of Finance; it has been established in cooperation with the Social Insurance Institution of Finland (Kela), the Ministry of Employment and the Economy, local register offices, the Population Register Centre and the cities of Oulu and Vantaa. It is operated by the Government IT Shared Service Centre at the State Treasury. 


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