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Government simplification helps French wine makers

Government simplification hel…

Published on: 07/03/2016 News Archived

France’s drive to modernise and simplify its government is helping reduce bureaucracy for the country’s wine producers. A team from the Ministry for Agriculture and 5 government agencies has built an online portal where farmers can file their plans and request permits, combining cartographic maps and pre-filled information. Viticulturists can now process their paperwork in days, instead of weeks, reports France’s government modernisation portal.

The FranceAgriMer portal was officially unveiled on 1 March at an agriculture trade fair in Paris. France’s wine producers are required to use the online portal since the beginning of this year.

In the first two months, the portal handled over 16,000 requests, the government modernisation portal reports. The agency says the liberalisation of planting rights and, at the same time, the introduction of more detailed planning requirements spurred the filing of new requests.


The portal makes the wine makers’ permit process entirely digital, and helps France and its wine makers comply with Europe’s Common Agricultural Policy, which regulates the maximum amount of vineyard surface. Once users are authenticated by the system, users see pre-filled information and detailed maps with pre-assigned plots that they can use to complete their permit-request.

Building the portal involved the Government modernisation project (secrétariat général pour la modernisation de l’action publique, SGMAP), the country’s institution for the agriculture and the marine produce (FranceAgriMer), the Institut national de l'origine et de la qualité, an organisation checking the protected designation of origin of agricultural products (INAO), the Ministry for Agriculture, the Directorate General of Customs and Indirect Taxes (DGDDI) and the National Institute of Geographic and Forest information (IGN).

The portal is the first to use API Carto, a geographic application programming interface that combines geographic and administrative data.


More information:

Announcement by the French government modernisation portal (in French)