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Hungary’s vehicle data mobile app ’popular’

Hungary’s vehicle data mobile…

Published on: 05/12/2016 News Archived

To check vehicle data, Hungarian citizens looking for second hand cars are increasingly turning to OkmányApp, a mobile application, says Hungary’s eGovernment service agency, KEKKH (Közigazgatási és Elektronikus Közszolgáltatások Központi Hivatala).

In any given month in Hungary, some 50,000 second hand cars change owners, and buyers increasingly want to verify government vehicle ownership records, KEKKH reports, since: “Nobody wants to buy a lemon”. In the first ten months of this year, the OkmányApp was used some 50,000 times to check car ownership and kilometre records.

The mobile app displays a car’s technical data, including weight, cylinder capacity, fuel type, number of seats, date of manufacturing, date of registration, and colour. The app also shows if there are any arrest warrants outstanding for the car owner.

The application can also be used to register car ownership and pay the necessary fees.

More information:

Announcement by Hungary’s Administrative and Electronic Public Services
Office (in Hungarian)