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Portugal adds services to eGovernment access points

Portugal adds services to eGo…

Published on: 24/01/2017 News Archived

Portugal has added 34 more online government services to its Espaços do Cidadão (Citizen Spots), the Agency for Administrative Modernisation (AMA) has announced. New services include the possibility for students to register online for higher education, and for street vendors to apply for permits.

Spot the Espaços do Cidadão
Users can now also use the Citizen Spots to get advice on taxes and to contact public administrations with questions on economic activities and social security. The availability of the new services was announced by AMA in December.

The Espaços do Cidadão offer eGovernment services to citizens that have no Internet access and to those that need help with using online services. Just over 400 such citizen spots are managed across the country. The public spaces provide online access to the services at the Portal do Cidadã (Citizen's Portal), which aggregates all available electronic government services.

The Portal do Cidadão currently offers access to more than 1500 services, made available by a total of 379 public bodies and entities.

More information:

Announcement by AMA (in Portuguese)
Portal do Cidadão (in Portuguese)
Map displaying the Espaços do Cidadão (in Portuguese)