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Prime Minister promises Slovenian digitisation

Prime Minister promises Slove…

Published on: 19/09/2016 News Archived

Slovenia’s Prime Minister Miro Cerar aims to strengthen ties with large ICT corporations in order to help government digitalisation, create jobs and protect the environment. With this goal in mind, a Slovenian trade delegation including public administration minister Boris Koprivnikar is visiting the United States, to meet with US ICT companies.

This is the second visit to ‘US ICT firms with bigger budgets than Slovenia’, Minister Koprivnikar is quoted as saying by, a news site. The first trade visit took place in December. According to the news site, the minister hopes to attract the US firms to help with government digitalisation.

In a statement, Prime Minister Cerar links digitalisation to protection of the environment. New technologies and approaches will develop processes that protect nature and improve living conditions, the government writes.

The Prime Minister also referred to a Digital Transformation conference held a few days earlier. The ‘Bled Strategic Forum 2016 brought together government representatives from Slovenia, Croatia and other Western Balkan countries. The countries discussed opportunities to accelerate digital transformation and strengthen regional cooperation.

More information:

Announcement on the Bled Strategic Forum 2016
Announcement by the government of Slovenia
Sio1Net news article (in Slovenian)