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Training managers key to government modernisation

Training managers key to gove…

Published on: 01/04/2016 News Archived

Training and connecting IT project managers is essential for government modernisation, says Dinsic, France’s central government ICT organisation. Project managers steer a major share of the country’s ambitious investments in information systems, and training helps to secure success and increase agility.

Dinsic and the organisation’s predecessors started training ministerial IT project managers in late 2014, reports France’s government modernisation portal. Over 120 IT project managers have been trained so far, including those responsible for the 50 most-critical projects.

The two-day course aims to provide a ‘toolbox to better manage projects’, and discusses risk management, and how to best balance cost, time and quality. The training also introduces France’s inter-ministerial security policies, and provides an understanding of the value of public procurement.

Peer review

The training has been made part of the default, continuous education of IT engineers working for France’s ministries. And this year, the course has been extended to include Mareva, a method for assessing the value of public sector transformation projects. Mareva was first developed by France’s then eGovernment agency (ADAE) in 2005. Mareva’s topics include information security, supplier management and agile project management.

The training also helps build a community of IT project managers and to strengthen cohesion, Dinsic organises meetings once every three months, combining workshops and lectures with networking opportunities, where participants can speak freely and learn from their peers.


More information:

Announcement by France’s government modernisation portal (in French)