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The BDTI takes part in the webinar ‘Stories of use cases: Open data to make Europe fit for the digital age’

BDTI to leverage open data

Published on: 21/07/2023 Last update: 06/10/2023 News

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On the 30th of June 2023, the BDTI Team was happy to contribute to last data.europa academy webinar ‘Stories of use cases: Open data to make Europe fit for the digital age’ 

Following the series ‘Stories of use cases’ which aimed to give an overview of the European Commission political priorities and how open data can contribute to build the Europe of the future, this fourth webinar focused on how open data can support the key priority of ‘A Europe fit for the digital age’. As the aim of this webinar was to present examples of open-data-driven initiatives that empower people with a new generation of technologies, the BDTI Team was happy to present the Big Data Test Infrastructure. 

If you missed this webinar, you can find on data.europa academy