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Empowering Cities using Data 

Bringing BDTI to the OASC Summit

Published on: 03/07/2023 Last update: 06/10/2023 News


The BDTI Team participated in the renowned Open & Agile Smart Cities (OASC) Summit on June 14th, to promote the Big Data Test Infrastructure (BDTI) initiative among OASC members and stakeholders. 

But first, what exactly is the Open & Agile Smart Cities (OASC) Summit? 

OASC is an international network of cities that collaborates with municipalities around the world to embark on the transformative path of digitization. OASC enables cities by providing a minimal technological foundation for their digital tools and processes, with a focus on long-term effect. OASC facilitates frictionless sharing and reusability of data-driven solutions by leveraging open standards and APIs (application programming interfaces), removing vendor lock-in, lowering innovation costs, and improving overall efficiency. 

The OASC Annual Summit provides a forum for information exchange and collaboration among OASC members and other stakeholders. For this year’s annual summit, the BDTI team was invited to present the BDTI initiative. 

Maria Claudia presenting BDTI at the OASC Summit

But why should cities use the BDTI in the first place? 

There are 2 reasons why cities should consider BDTI. 

  1. It is free: BDTI is a data playground for cities looking to experiment with data for free for six months. After this period, we will help you move to your own environment. 

  1. It is a ready to use stack of open-source tools: you do not have to install anything on your laptop, you get to experiment with data analytics using high performance infrastructure that leverages the power of the elastic cloud. 

These 2 reasons make BDTI a valuable tool for cities interested in testing and exploring data analytics solutions. For instance, during the pandemic, the city of Florence used BDTI to leverage data collected by Smart City Control Room (SCCR) to ensure lockdown measures were properly lifted. 

If you are a city looking for a data playground, do not hesitate to reach out to us: 

If you would like to learn more about BDTI and how to apply, click here

For more information about OASC, click here.