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Mostra descrizione in italiano.

It is an Apache OpenOffice extension, friendly name is "oxsit". Used to digitally sign ODF 1.2 document according to the Italian Standard (formerly CNIPA, now DigitPA issued). This is a voluntary contributed project, but the Muncipality of Trento ( ) is close following it. It's Free/Libre and Open Source Sofware.

This page is a work in progress.

(how to download)


OOoXAdESSignIT (friendly name: OXSIT) is an extension, that is, a pluggable software module for the popular office automation suite.

The goal is to manage electronic signatures (signing, verifying, timestamping) according to the XAdES specification, making the user able to produce legally valid documents according to the Italian law. already provides a digital signature functionality, but following the more general XMLSig specification; XAdES is a particular specialization of XMLSig for human-readable digital document signature, complying with European Union rules.

DigitPA (formerly CNIPA) is the source of technical regulations for the Information Technology in Italy (for the Public Administration primarily, but often also for all the other sectors). In 2006 the then CNIPA admitted XAdES among the legally valid digital signature formats, along with PKCS7 and PDF.

Digital Signature appears also in the ODF 1.2 drafts, which started to be implemented in from version 3.0, and this project will also maintain a close alignment in this regard.

In order to obtain high grade electronic signatures, utilization of cryptographic tokens and qualified certificates is required. So a special attention is devoted to support the so-called SSCD, like SmartCards, who are currently spreading around in Europe.

At start PKCS11 support will be the main goal, but preserving the generality of approach needed for easy integration of other specifications, like PKCS15.
The project will leverage on the experiences emerged from other Open Source projects like j4sign, OpenSignPdf and OpenSC.

A great effort will be also put in providing a proper user interface, simple to use but also granting to the user a strict control on the many delicate aspects of digital signature and verification.

To achieve this, the graphic user interface (UI) is tightly coupled to the standard interface.
Information of any critical element or critical state of both the signature verification procedure and the signature procedure is supplied in graphical form.

Giuseppe Castagno (giuseppe dot castagno at acca-esse dot it)
Roberto Resoli (roberto dot resoli at gmail dot com)

Mailing Lists

A general mailing list for the discussion of the digital signature feature in Apache OpenOffice is available (ooo-xadessig-it) language used can be Italian or English.
Send an empty message here to JOIN, or send an empty message here to REMOVE REGISTRATION.

An announce list is available (ooo-xadessig-it-announce) for announcements about new releases, or similar announce messages.
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There is a developer list available (ooo-xadessig-it-devel), you may post messages in Italian or English language.
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You can subscribe to list ooo-xadessig-it-commits If you want to follow in detail the development. Each 'commit' in the project svn is sent there.
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You can download the latest version of the software on this page by selecting the desired version.
You can download the manual that corresponds to this version on this page.
All manuals are available on this page.

Licensed under the EUPL V.1.1, or (at your option) GPLv3.
Web page textual content and written documentation licenced under Creative CommonsAttribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Generic (the full license).

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