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Draft vs. DraftRelated

Published on: 02/12/2019 Last update: 21/07/2020 Discussion Archived

(ADRESSED in ELI-DL "Final1")

I have doubts about LegalDraftWork and LegalDraftRelatedWork classes. Our Senate can suggest amendments to a bill that has been passed by the Sejm (lower chamber). The Senate resolution contains the list of amendments and not the text of the bill itself, thus it is not clear if it can be considered a LegalDraftWork (although for now we want to consider it as such). On the other hand it has legal value and greater significance then e.g. some explanations.


Thomas FRANCART Tue, 04/02/2020 - 17:59

The intent is that a LegalDraftWork is a document that contains a version of the legislation draft being drafted. So in your case the list of amendments would probably be considered a LegalDraftAmendmentWork.

We probably need to cope with this situation where a list of amendment is given, as this is a pretty common situation, it seems.