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Benefits Illustration 10: Asset maintenance

General points

Underground asset maintenance is an important use case, where there is a need to manage access by multiple operators efficiently and safely and minimise disruption to the local community and businesses. Costs and benefits of an integrated (i.e. interoperable) approach to underground asset maintenance are significant. The importance of getting all stakeholders on board and taking a strategic approach to data sharing are paramount.

Case studies

The EULF Blueprint features KLIC (NE) and KLIP (Flanders). KLIP was involved in the ELISE co-innovation workshop at the INSPIRE 2020 Conference. INSPIRE is used for data harmonisation between public and private sectors.

The UK Geospatial Commission initial analysis of geospatial opportunities In 2018 suggested that more accessible and better quality location data in infrastructure and construction could be worth over £4bn per year. Accidental strikes on underground assets were estimated to cost £1.2bn per year. A £2.4m National Underground Asset Register pilot was initiated in 2019 to inform national rollout. Strike avoidance and efficiency savings were identified across the four tested use cases. The benefits of shared digital asset data were proven.

Version: EULF Blueprint v5