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Benefits Illustration 5: Address data

General points

This is one of the ‘high value’ location datasets. Any efficiencies that can be introduced in collecting, distributing and using address data and, in particular, processing change of address information will result in ‘big number’ outcomes through having timely accurate information. Actors typically involved are local administrations, mapping agencies and postal services. Legal, organisational, semantic and technical interoperability measures all feature in management of address data. For the citizen, having to input address data multiple times goes against the ‘once-only’ principle and there are user efficiencies to be gained from implementing exchange mechanisms to avoid this.

Case studies

A UK study in 2016 commissioned by GeoPlace 'Cost Benefit Analysis of Address and Street Data for Local Authorities and Emergency Services in England and Wales', projected net benefits up to £202 million by 2020 from better use of the address and street data that councils create and maintain. Based on the current rates of adoption, this represented a return on investment after discounting of 4:1.

See also the range of specific GeoPlace case studies for address and street data, with many examples of benefits delivered.

In Denmark, a 2010 study, The value of Danish address data, commissioned by the Danish Enterprise and Construction Authority found that the direct financial benefit to society of opening Danish address data amounted to roughly DKK 471m (€62m) between 2005 and 2009, set against relatively small costs of DKK 15m (€2m) across the same period.

The Danish Addresses Web API (DAWA) offers users access to data and functionality relating to Denmark’s Authoritative Addresses. It calculates the value of DAWA’s address data from an efficiency and innovation effect and from a derived social benefits.

Version: EULF Blueprint v5.1