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Best Practice 50

Best Practice 50 - Geodata and INSPIRE at Statistics Austria
Country: Austria
Policy domain: Geostatistics
Level of government: National
Process owners: Statistics Austria

Short description: Regional and local structures (e.g. municipal boundaries, political districts) as well as functional spatial structures (e.g. census districts, settlement units) are required to generate statistics. These geodata, which can be used for the analysis and presentation of statistical information, are now made available free of charge via Statistics Austria's open data portal. They can be accessed through a single page on the Statistics Austria website, and are represented with their respective consistent set of metadata.

The relevant datasets are:

  • political districts;
  • municipalities;
  • statistical census districts;
  • regional constituencies;
  • labour market districts;
  • tax office areas;
  • judicial districts;
  • NUTS units;
  • settlement units;
  • permanent settlement areas;
  • main and small agricultural production areas;
  • regional statistical grid units.

Statistics Austria also makes available relevant INSPIRE spatial data through its discovery service.

Recommendations: Digital Government Integration (9); Standardisation and Reuse (12)



Version: EULF Blueprint v5.1