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Best Practice 64

Best Practice 64 - Estonian catalogue of public sector information systems (RIHA)
Country: Estonia
Policy domain: ICT
Level of government: National
Process owners: Estonian Information Systems Agency

Short description: RIHA, short for Riigi Infosüsteemi Haldussüsteem, is the Estonian catalogue of public sector information systems. It serves as the national registry of public databases, systems, components, services, data models, semantic assets, etc.

RIHA facilitates Estonian information system planning and operation activities. The main goal of RIHA is to guarantee the transparent, optimal balance and efficient management of public sector information systems.

RIHA supports the interoperability of databases, the life-cycle management of information systems and the re-use of data by providing complete and up-to-date metadata of Estonian public sector information systems. The registration of public databases and information systems on RIHA is mandatory and enforced by law.

Recommendations: Policy and Strategy Alignment (1); Standardisation and Reuse (11)

Link: Avaleht - Riigi infosüsteemi haldussüsteem RIHA


Version: EULF Blueprint v5.1