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Best Practice 66

Best Practice 66 - Thematic maps
Country: Finland
Policy domain: Integration of statistical and location information
Level of government: National
Process owners: National Land Survey of Finland
Short description: With the Thematic Maps function, users can create thematic maps that they can use, for example, to visualise the regional variation of a phenomenon. Depending on the selected indicator, the maps can present its values by using different regional divisions. The datasets are downloaded in real time from the interface services provided by the dataset provider. The portal has access to more than 2,000 datasets that are available through different interfaces from the Sotkanet interface service maintained by the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL), National Land Survey of Finland's Official purchase price register, Statistics Finland and the City of Helsinki. Users can also add their own indicators.

Recommendations: Digital Government Integration (9)



Version: EULF Blueprint v5.1