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New Europass XML Schema Definition (version 3.0-rc7)

New Europass XML Schema Defin…

Anonymous (not verified)
Published on: 21/11/2012 News Archived

We would like to announce a release candidate for the Europass XML Schema Definition version 3.0.

The asset is available in a standalone specific project with Joinup (under the releases). Version 3.0 further extends version 2.1, which has been already approved and published by JoinUp/Semic. Version 3.0 introduces additional changes to the hierarchy of elements and to the definition of data types.

The revamped online Europass CV Editors, expected to be released at the end of the year, will produce Europass CV documents that are compatible with version 3.0. Gradually the rest of Europass services (the online Language Passport Editor, the document conversion web services, etc.) will be updated in order to work with the latest version of the XML.

We would be very welcome to receive comments and suggestions for improvements or changes to this XML schema.


  • Eleni KARGIOTI (XML and Interopertability Engineer for Europass) ekar[at]qnr[dot]com[dot]gr
  • Cedefop's Europass Team europass-support[at]cedefop[dot]europa[dot]eu