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European Committee for Standardization
Supra-national authority

The eCatalogue profiles are intended to support the synchronization of catalogues between the selling and the buying side in a business relationship,whereas the selling side is the source of the catalogue and the buying side the receiver. In the profiles the selling side can be any Economic perator and the buying side any Contracting Authority. The intended scope for the profiles includes B2G and B2B relationships. The transactions, specified in the profiles are intended to be exchanged between the procurement systems of contracting authorities and systems for catalogue management of economic operators. This means that it is expected that the parties have connected their systems to the internet, and that they have middleware in place to enable them to send and receive the transactions in a secure way, using an agreed syntax. In the eCatalogue profiles, synchronization of catalogues includes the submission of a new catalogue as well as updating an existing catalogue. Profile BII01 Catalogue Only is used to submit a new catalogue, to replace a catalogue completely or to add or replace individual catalogue lines. For updating parts of the catalogue, the profile BII02 Catalogue Update with its corresponding transactions can be used. BII02 Catalogue Update allows changing the specifications and/or prices of individual catalogue items. To suspend completely the usage of a catalogue the profile BII16 Catalogue Deletion can be used.

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