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European Committee for Standardization
Supra-national authority

This profile supports a process of submitting procurement notices by a Contracting Authority to a Publication Body. It is intended to support transmission of electronic documents for processing in semi-automated processes by the receiver. The legal requirements that were taken into account are requirements from European legislation, in particular the EU directives, mentioned in Clause 5 of this profile. The intended scope for this profile is Government to Government (G2G) and Government to Business (G2B), depending on legal requirements for publication, to support Business to Government (B2G) contracting. The transactions, specified in this profile are intended to be exchanged between the application systems of Contracting Authorities and Publication Bodies. This means that it is expected that the parties have connected their systems to the internet, and that they have middleware in place to enable them to send and receive the transactions in a secure way, using an agreed syntax. The content model of the transactions can also be used in platforms or portals, so that these platforms are based on the same information and process models, which makes them more interoperable. Even if platforms are not technically interoperable, the content model facilitates understanding the tendering documents and to participate in the publication process.

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