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DG TAXUD worked with DG DIGIT to develop a Solution Architecture Templates (SAT) for e-invoicing

DG TAXUD and DG DIGIT developed a SAT for e-invoicing

Published on: 15/07/2024 News

In September 2023, DG TAXUD initiated the FPG 042 project group under the Fiscalis Programme to develop a Solution Architecture Templates (SAT) for Trans-European Systems with the support of DG DIGIT. The outcome of the project resulted in producing a SAT on “B2B intra-community e-invoicing reporting” based on the eGovERA Tax Reference Architecture. The SAT supports the national tax administrations of Member States to implement the e-invoicing requirements required by the EU’s new Value-Added Tax (VAT) in the Digital Age (ViDA) legislation.

The SAT was based on the following elements:

The intervention logic was as it follows:

  1. The European Commission and the FPG 042 jointly identified the functional and technical requirements on functionalities applicable to the use case
  2. The European Commission and the FPG 042 jointly co-created an analysis model and a partial design model of the target solution. The still to be done work was minimized as much as possible for Member States.
  3. The European Commission disseminated the model with requirements and a partial design of the target solution to the Member States. The model is available here in HTML format and in the attachments in ArchiMate® (an Enterprise Architecture modelling language) format. 

After the project, Member States will need to finalise the still to be done work on their own (i.e. procurement/own development/reuse/etc.) producing a full design of the target solution, implement it and testing it via EC tools (i.e. ITestBed). Guidelines are available in the attachments.

The Business/public value of the SAT for “B2B intra-community e-invoicing reporting” based on the eGovERA© Tax Reference Architecture provides a usable SAT for Member States’ tax administrations to analyse the requirements of the application of ViDA e-invoicing changes. Another added value is the knowledge sharing across countries of EIRA© & eGovERA© in analysing and implementing digital public services.